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Regular Council Meeting <br />January 25, 2016 <br />Page 8 <br />21. Discuss and act on a lighting policy for the Plaza. <br />Mr. Godwin explained that a number of groups had requested to turn the lights at the <br />plaza to different colors for a month at a time to honor certain causes and several problems had <br />arisen. He said sometimes the City receives overlapping requests, or complaints from citizens <br />who do not like the changes, and because the light fixtures were historical and difficult to handle <br />the staff increased the risk of permanent damage every time they were changed. Council <br />Member Clifford said breast cancer awareness was of great significance to him, and citizen <br />Louise Moseley said it was dear to her heart. Following discussion about the possibility of not <br />changing out light bulbs but placing LED lamps with the ability of changing colors, it was a <br />consensus for Mr. Godwin to make necessary changes to the policy and bring it back to the <br />Council for approval. <br />22. Receive status report from the police chief about activities in the police department. <br />Mayor Hashmi said during the budget process, Chief Hundley had made some promises <br />about the police department and he would like a report. Chief Hundley reported to the Council <br />that all officer positions were filled, but there were three recruits in the basic academy, two <br />officers in field training and two officers remained on light duty for work related injuries. He <br />said they had not lost any officers since July and two returned to the department when the police <br />department received raises. He also reported that open positions in the CID and OPS Office had <br />been staffed, which included the replacement of a drug investigator. Chief Hundley said that <br />seniority was still used for off -duty work, but changes had been made to allow more <br />opportunities for less senior officers. He also said they had opened training opportunities for <br />officers to serve as instructors for the department and other moves were in the progress to replace <br />officers in administrative positions with civilian personnel. <br />Mayor Hashmi inquired if the drug task force had been created and Chief Hundley said <br />no, but that normally the police department and sheriffs office works together. Mayor Hashmi <br />inquired if he had added a K -9 unit and Chief Hundley said he had explored it, but that it came <br />down to they did not have the personnel. Mayor Hashmi asked if the drug investigator was not <br />willing to take that on and Chief Hundley said he had not asked the investigator. Council <br />Member Pickle said recently there had been a chase and what he heard was the police department <br />had done everything right. <br />23. Consider and approve future events for City Council and/or City Staff pursuant to <br />Resolution No. 2004 -081. <br />None were referenced. <br />