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Tracy Ponders the tax attorney will be invited to the January meeting and at this time <br />there are 58 properties on the tax sale list. <br />Robert Talley told the commission that the demolition contract is up for bid. <br />Chad Lindsey asked when it comes to the public is there a priority for popular street <br />properties on the demo list. Robert Talley said no we have fewer problems on these <br />streets but we do prioritize by safety. Safety is always the number one factor. Complaint <br />driven is also considered at times. <br />Clyde Crews was introduced as the new Fire Marshall. <br />Sally McEwin asked about the rubbish cases and if we are still going to do this. Robert <br />and Stephanie are in the process of getting this started. Robert explained once this is set <br />in place the commission will have to be educated in the process so a couple of meetings <br />will be education meetings. <br />5. Adjournment <br />Motion was made by Sally McEwin, seconded by Ken Kohls to adjourn the <br />meeting at 4:30pm. <br />APPROVED THIS 25`x' DAY OF JANUARY 2016. (2 )�� <br />Chairma <br />