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5 -7 RABIES CONTROL <br />a. All pertinent provisions of the Rabies Control Act of 1981, as codified in the Texas <br />Health and Safety Code, Title 10, Health and Safety of Animals, Chapter 826 are adopted, <br />and in the event of conflict between such statute and the Code of Ordinances, such statute <br />shall control. The chief of the police department or some other eligible person shall be <br />designated by resolution as the local health authority for the purpose of administering the <br />statute. <br />b. Every owner of a dog or cat three months of age or older shall have such animal <br />vaccinated against rabies. All such dogs or cats shall be revaccinated at three -year intervals <br />thereafter. Any person establishing residence within the city shall comply with this <br />ordinance within ten days of establishing such residency. If the dog or cat has inflicted a <br />bite on any person, within the last ten days, the owner of such dog or cat shall report such <br />fact to a veterinarian, and no rabies vaccine shall be administered until after a ten -day <br />observation. <br />C. Certificate of vaccination. <br />A veterinarian who vaccinates a dog or cat against rabies shall issue to the owner of the <br />animal a vaccination certificate in a form which meets the minimum standards approved by <br />the state board of health. Upon vaccination, the veterinarian shall execute and furnish to <br />the owner of the dog or cat as evidence thereof a certificate upon a form furnished by the <br />veterinarian. The veterinarian shall retain a duplicate copy. Such certificate shall contain <br />the following information: <br />1. The name, address and telephone number of the owner of the vaccinated dog or cat; <br />2. Animal identification: species, sex (including neutered if applicable), approximate <br />age, size (pounds), predominant breed, and colors; <br />3. Vaccine used: producer, expiration date, and serial number; <br />4. The date of vaccination; <br />5. The year and number of the rabies tag; and <br />6. The veterinarian's address, signature or signature stamp, and license number. <br />d. Concurrent with the issuance and delivery of the certificate of vaccination referred <br />to in this section, the owner of the dog or cat shall cause to be attached to the collar or <br />harness of the vaccinated dog or cat a metal tag, serially numbered to correspond with the <br />vaccination certificate number, bearing the year of issuance and the name of the <br />veterinarian and his address. The owner shall cause the collar or harness with the attached <br />metal tag to be worn by his dog or cat at all times. <br />e. Duplicate tags. <br />In the event of loss or destruction of the original tag provided in section 5 -7(d), the owner <br />of the dog or cat shall obtain a duplicate tag. Vaccination certificates (and tags) shall be <br />