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valid only for the animal for which they were originally issued. <br />f. Proof. <br />It shall be an offense for any person who owns or harbors a vaccinated dog or cat to fail or <br />refuse to exhibit his copy of the certificate of vaccination upon demand to any person <br />charged with the enforcement of this ordinance. <br />g. Harboring unvaccinated animals. <br />It shall be an offense for any person to harbor any dog or cat which has not been vaccinated <br />against rabies, as provided in this article, or which cannot be identified as having a current <br />vaccination certificate. <br />h. Animals exposed to rabies. <br />Any person having knowledge of the existence of any animal known to have been, or <br />suspected of being, exposed to rabies must immediately report such knowledge to the <br />animal control division, giving any information that may be required. For any animal to <br />have been, or suspected of being, exposed to rabies, the following rules must apply: <br />1. Animals having a current vaccination must be revaccinated immediately and <br />confined at the owner's expense according to the method prescribed by the animal control <br />manager for a period of not less than 45 days. <br />2. Animals not having a current vaccination should be humanely destroyed. However, <br />if the owner of such an animal elects, he may, at his expense and in a manner prescribed by <br />the animal control officer, confine such animal. Such animal must be vaccinated <br />immediately following exposure and confined for not less than three months. A <br />revaccination shall be administered on the third and eighth week prior to release from <br />confinement. <br />i. Declaration of quarantine. <br />Should a potential outbreak of rabies within the city be suspected and the danger to the <br />public safety from rabid animals be reasonably imminent, the local rabies authority is <br />hereby authorized to issue a quarantine proclamation, ordering persons owning, keeping, <br />or harboring dogs or other animals to muzzle the same or confine them in such quarantine <br />proclamation by local newspaper. Persons owning or harboring such animals shall confine <br />them to the premises unless they are effectively muzzled and under the control of an adult <br />person by leash, cord, chain, or rope. Animals found at large in violation of this section may <br />be destroyed by an animal control officer or police officer of the city if such officer is <br />unable, with reasonable effort, to apprehend such animal for impoundment. <br />j. Reporting animal bites. <br />Every physician or other medical practitioner who treats a person for any animal bite, or <br />any person having knowledge of an animal bite, shall, within 24 hours, report such <br />treatment to the animal control division giving the name, age, sex and precise location of <br />the bitten person and such other information as the officer or agency may require. The <br />animal control division will investigate each bite incident, utilizing standardized reporting <br />forms provided by the state department of health. Human bites from rodents, rabbits, <br />