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birds, and reptiles are excluded from the reporting requirements. <br />k. Animal quarantine. <br />1. The local rabies authority may order the quarantine of any animal that has bitten a <br />person or another animal or that is suspected of having a zoonotic disease. <br />2. Any owned dog or cat which has bitten a person shall be observed for a period of ten <br />days from the date of the bite. The procedure and place of observation shall be designated <br />by the investigating officer or responsible agency, in compliance with state law. If the dog <br />or cat is not confined on the owner's premises, confinement shall be by impoundment at <br />the animal shelter, or at a veterinary hospital of the owner's choice. Such confinement shall <br />be at owner's expense. Stray dogs and cats, or those animals whose owners cannot be <br />located, shall be quarantined at the animal shelter for a period of ten days. The owner of <br />any dog or cat that has been reported to have inflicted a bite on any person shall on <br />demand produce such dog or cat for impoundment, as prescribed in this article. Refusal to <br />produce such dog or cat constitutes a violation of this section, and each day of such refusal <br />shall constitute a separate and individual violation. <br />3. An owner of a dog or cat that has bitten may request permission from an animal <br />control officer to home quarantine his animal if the following criteria can be met: <br />A. Secure facilities must be available at the home of the animal's owner and must be <br />approved by the animal control manager. <br />B. The animal is currently vaccinated against rabies. <br />C. The animal was not running at large at the time the bite occurred. <br />D. The animal control officer or a licensed veterinarian must observe the animal at <br />least on the first and last days of the quarantine period. If the animal becomes ill during the <br />observation period, the animal control officer must be notified by the person having <br />possession of the animal. At the end of the observation period the release from quarantine <br />must be accomplished in writing. <br />E. If the animal cannot be maintained in a secured quarantine, it shall be humanely <br />destroyed and the brain submitted to a state department of health certified laboratory for <br />rabies diagnosis. <br />4. It shall be unlawful for any person to interrupt the ten -day observation period. <br />5. No wild animal will be placed in quarantine. All wild animals or hybrid thereof <br />involved in biting incidents will be humanely euthanized in such a manner that the brain <br />shall be submitted to a state department of health certified laboratory for rabies testing. <br />6. The owner of an animal that is quarantined under this article shall pay to the animal <br />shelter the reasonable costs of the quarantine, care, treatment, and disposition of the <br />