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16. Total Water & Sewer revenues are 3.44% above last year and equal 34.09% of budget which is <br />above the 33.33% budget to date percentage. This increase is not clearly reflected in this report <br />because it is being offset by transfers out to the general fund. <br />17. Total Water & Sewer expenses are 7.38% above last year at this point in time and represent <br />22.79% of the total budget (36.21% adjusted for debt payments) while the City is 33.33% <br />through the budget year. <br />Departmental Expenditure Summary: <br />At this point the City is four months or 33.33% through the budget year. It is important to remember <br />that expenditures do not occur equally throughout the year. For example, capital expenditures and <br />association memberships are one time expenditures that if made early in the fiscal year can produce a <br />distorted expenditure percentage. Within the General and Water & Sewer Funds there are sixteen <br />departments whose expenditures are over 33.33% at this time. <br />1. City Council- 49.41 %. The overage amounts to $12,175 and is due to payment of annual <br />association memberships, building maintenance, and making the annual property and general <br />liability insurance payment. The City chose to make one annual insurance payment instead of <br />quarterly payments in order to take advantage of a 2.00% discount which amounted to $12,113 <br />city wide. This annual payment will be reflected in all departments and will somewhat distort <br />budget to actual comparisons. <br />2. City Manager - 33.36 %. The overage amounts to only $119 and is not a material amount. <br />3. City Attorney - 48.65 %. The overage amounts to $67,261 and is primarily due to payment of <br />benefits due the former city attorney. <br />4. Municipal Court - 33.42 %. The overage amounts to only $225 and is not a material amount. <br />5. Accounting - 33.52 %. The overage amounts to only $817 and is not a material amount. <br />6. Police- 36.53 %. The overage amounts to $194,758 and is due to the annual insurance payment, <br />minor apparatus, travel expenses, emergency notification service, lease & maintenance of <br />equipment, and the purchase of vehicles. <br />7. Fire - 37.77 %. The overage amounts to $194,510 and is due to overtime, annual insurance <br />payment, training, building maintenance, and the annual payment on a fire truck. <br />8. Public Works - 36.09 %. The overage amounts to $5,672 and is due to salaries and benefits and <br />the annual insurance payment. <br />9. Streets- 42.20.The overage amounts to $132,144 and is due to the annual insurance payment, <br />contract labor, contract services, sidewalks /curbs, and street repairs. <br />10. EMS - 33.68%. The overage amounts to $8,304 and is due to travel expenses, training expenses, <br />medical expenses, equipment maintenance, and the annual insurance payment. <br />11. Cox Field Airport - 41.88 %. The overage amounts to $8,836 and is due to building & grounds <br />maintenance and the annual insurance payment. <br />12. Library - 37.34 %. The overage amounts to $27,794 and is due to the annual insurance payment, <br />books & media, postage, and utilities. <br />