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(e) No toxic, explosive, flammable, combustible, corrosive, etiologic, radioactive or <br />other restricted material or other Performance Standards elements shall be stored <br />on site. <br />(f) No mechanical equipment other than that ordinarily utilized within a dwelling unit <br />for household or hobby purposes shall be permissible. <br />(g) No activity shall be conducted which would interfere with radio or television <br />transmission in the area, nor shall there be any offensive noise, smoke, dust or heat <br />noticeable beyond the premises nor shall there be any other violations of <br />Performance Standards. <br />(h) No home occupation shall require external alteration of the residence or other <br />visible evidence of the conduct of such home occupation. <br />(i) The operation of the home occupation shall not cause or encourage excess <br />vehicular or pedestrian traffic not ordinarily associated with the residential area in <br />which the home occupation is conducted except under the following conditions: <br />(1) Public access to the home occupation shall be by invitation only and there <br />shall ordinarily be no more than one vehicle not owned by the occupants on or <br />adjacent to the property for business purposes except that appointments may <br />overlap for a time period not exceeding thirty (30) minutes; <br />(2) Occasional parties, meetings or classes associated with home occupations are <br />permissible. The parties, meetings or classes shall in no case be held more <br />than four (4) times monthly and vehicles shall in no way impede the safety and <br />flow of traffic within the neighborhood. <br />[(j) is repealed] <br />(k) Home occupations shall be restricted to the hours of 8 a.m. to nine 9 p.m. <br />[(1) is repealed] <br />(m) There shall be no outside display, storage, or sale of merchandise or equipment. <br />(n) There shall be no audible noise, detectable vibration, or odor beyond the confines <br />of the subject dwelling or accessory building, including transmittal through <br />vertical or horizontal party walls nor shall there be any other violations of <br />Performance Standards. <br />(o) Instruction of students (including delivery of materials clearly incidental to <br />training) and service to clients or customers shall be limited to twelve (12) <br />persons per day but in no event more than four (4) persons at any one time. <br />(p) The lot or property on which the home occupation is conducted shall not have any <br />parking space added to it during the time the home occupation is being conducted; <br />nor shall any parking space be used that was not customarily used prior to that <br />time. The application for approval shall show a sketch of the parking spaces <br />customarily in use at the time of application and the applicant shall agree that <br />5 <br />