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Inspection Report <br />On Saturday March 19'b 2016 between 0930 and 1230 Hrs., a standard Fire and Life <br />Safety inspection was conducted on the property, and buildings associated with said property, at <br />2810 NE Loop 286 / aka Genes Flea market. The following report is a summary of this <br />inspection. <br />General to the property: <br />The fire department access roads (Fire Lanes) that are required at this location do not <br />exist. Where roads or drives do exist there is no clearly defined access differentiated from the <br />parking area. This results in an extra life safety hazard to pedestrians on the property. The design <br />of these roads does not meet the requirement for fire department access roads. The fire <br />department access to any structure on the property has to be such that any portion of a structure <br />can be reached in an approved type measurement distance of 150 feet from the apparatus. <br />Overall the access roads are to narrow, may not support fire department apparatus in all weather <br />conditions, do not have at every turn the proper turning radiuses, lack turn arounds, and are <br />unmarked as fire lanes. Thus resulting in apparent, and commonly blocked by parked vehicles, <br />no fire department access to some structures. <br />There is no water supply to this property in the form of fire hydrants. The nearest <br />hydrant to the west is over 500 feet to the drive at the loop. The nearest hydrant to the east is <br />between 400 and 500 feet to the property, however to access this hydrant you have to cross the <br />property of a neighboring business which is not allowed and disqualifies this as an accessible <br />hydrant. According to IFC 2006, and using just the Main building at the south of the property <br />