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PARIS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION <br />MONTHLY MEETING <br />Paris City Council Chambers <br />107 East Kaufman St. <br />Paris, Texas 75460 <br />Tuesday April 19, 2016 <br />4:00 O'CLOCK P.M. <br />Board Members Present: <br />Richard Manning, Chair <br />John Brockman, Vice -Chair <br />Don Wilson, Secretary- Treasurer <br />Ray Banks <br />Ex- Officio Members Present: <br />Stephen Gerrald, Chamber of Commerce <br />John Godwin, City Manager <br />Legal Counsel: <br />Stephanie Harris <br />Call to Order: <br />MINUTES <br />Staff Present: <br />Michael Paris, Executive Director <br />Paula Brownfield, Administrative Assistant <br />Chris Stout, Office Assistant <br />Guest(s) Present: <br />Amanda Gohn, The Paris News <br />Deanna Manning <br />City Council Liaison: <br />Sue Lancaster <br />Richard Manning called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. A quorum was present. <br />Citizens' Input <br />Mr. Manning asked if there was any citizens' input. No one came forward. <br />Discuss and possibly approve Minutes of the March 22, 2016 Meeting. <br />Mr. Manning asked if everyone had a chance to study the minutes. Mr. Banks made a motion to approve <br />the minutes as presented. Mr. Wilson seconded the motion and everyone voted for approval. Vote: 4 -0. <br />Discuss and possibly approve March 2016 Financials. <br />Mr. Paris reported that some expenses were not the norm. He pointed out the Moving Expenses line item <br />of $1510.00 was a one -time expense and the Car Allowance of $250.00 for Angie Corbell would no <br />longer be coming out of the Budget. Mr. Paris stated that we will not be providing a car allowance to <br />office staff (not including Mr. Paris); instead the staff will be recording mileage and receiving payment <br />monthly for the number of miles logged. Mr. Banks questioned the amount of $2985.82 charged for <br />Medical Insurance in March. The answer to Mr. Banks question was that three months of medical <br />insurance were actually charged in the month of March. Under the Training line item, Mr. Banks asked <br />what the training was. Since it was to the Red River Valley Association and not really considered training, <br />we are changing the line item to Marketing. There was another line item, All Utilities, that the amount is <br />zero. Mr. Banks would like the line taken off the Cash Flow sheet from the City Finance Department. Mr. <br />Wilson stated that line item was #0308 was an assigned number and the Finance Department would need <br />to take it off because it is not something we can change. Another issue discussed was that Depot <br />