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PEDC Board Meeting Minutes <br />April 19, 2016 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Operations will be over budget starting in April. When we completed the 2015 -2016 Budget last fall <br />somehow the Depot Operations number was $20,000 instead and $35,000. Mr. Wilson stated that we <br />could do a budget amendment now or wait until the end of the year. A motion was made by Mr. <br />Brockman to accept the March financial report. Mr. Banks seconded the motion. The vote was 4 to 0. <br />Discuss and possible action on revisions to the PEDC Standard Operatins Procedures. <br />Mr. Manning put together a committee of Mr. Paris, Mr. Banks and Mr. Wilson to make suggestions on <br />revisions to the PEDC Standard Operating Procedures. Mr. Paris highlighted that the Organizational Chart <br />should be changed to show that the Executive Director reports to both the Chairman and the <br />Secretary/Treasurer. The SOP Manual has a section concerning record retention that will be updated with <br />the newest version from the state of Texas. We have not found a record retention log book from the past, <br />but going forward we will have a copy of the Record Retention Schedule and the Disposition Book in our <br />file room. Mr. Brockman made a motion to accept the revisions as presented. Mr. Manning seconded the <br />motion. The vote carried 4 -0. <br />Executive Director's Monthly Report. <br />-Mr. Paris started with the current activity; retention visits to Potters, Turner, and Skinner. Turner is owed <br />$100,000 which will be processed when they provide documents of their construction. J. Skinner has had <br />a lull, but the production of cinnamon rolls is doing well and they are exploring other production options. <br />Potters Industries is working on a line enhancement the will increase their capacity for production. <br />Everything is good with Campbell's Soup. Silgan Containers is doing well with their production. Silgan <br />and Potters will be taking their tax abatement to the City Council on Monday. <br />- Attraction activity and recruiting have been nonexistent this past month. Two RFP's have been received; <br />one RFP we didn't qualify for, the other was requesting a four -lane highway within ten miles. <br />-We have received a preliminary sketch of the 2305 NW Loop. <br />-A discussion was held with Mr. Harper and Mr. Horton to help with our understanding of SURRMA. <br />-Mr. Paris has been working with Dr. Anglin of PJC and has contacted a group called Scope 3 -D. The <br />biggest deficiency seen in manufacturing is that 3 -D scanning and robotic manufacturing have been <br />separate. Scope 3 -D is looking for a college to offer curriculum to help meld the process together. This <br />would be a great marketing tool for Paris. <br />-All of the PEDC minutes are uploaded to Efile Cabinet. <br />- Backup system for our files is done by Mozypro through JC Darnell our computer guru. We are also <br />going to back up our essential files on an external drive. <br />- Purging old files will be started following the Standard Operating Procedures. The first group to be <br />purged will be the Notices of Possible Quorum posted for meetings where more than two of our Board <br />may be present. We can shred Notices up to and including the 2013 Notices. The other group of papers <br />that we want to start shredding is the minute notes. These are notes that are taken at the meeting and <br />turned into the minutes. They can be written or audio recordings and the required retention is 90 days <br />after the minutes are approved. We have them from years back. Mr. Wilson asked how much space it <br />would take to keep the written notes. Mr. Paris made sure that everyone knew the retention schedule is the <br />minimum that the files need to be kept. Mr. Wilson stated that he would like to see the notes and audio <br />recordings kept for five years. After some discussion, it was decided to add the next agenda. <br />- Certified agendas are also being kept. They are also on a minimum of two years and can only be seen by <br />a court order. This will also be added to the next agenda. <br />-Mr. Paris asked for a meeting date to discuss the Plan of Work within the next week. He presented some <br />of the bullet points that he would like discussed to move the PEDC forward. <br />