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Ben Vaughan asked how long he needs to secure property. Owner said 1 -2 <br />weeks, once he can get the tenants out. <br />Sally McEwan asked Robert Talley if it's safe for owner to try and secure <br />building. Robert — yes, outside, but not inside. Porch has since been taken <br />down by tenants. Neighbor witnessed. <br />Shed not included in demo order. Minor exterior damage. <br />Robert Talley made sure owner understands if property sells, no guarantee demo <br />order will be rescinded. <br />Chad Lindsey asked Stephanie Harris if commission can issue eviction order. <br />Stephanie said commission does not have authority to issue eviction order. But <br />recommended owner seek a forcible entry detainer. <br />Robert Talley's recommendation: Demolition within 30 days. <br />Motion was made by Johnny Norris to give owner 10 days to secure, and 60 <br />days to demo or sell, and seconded by Sally McEwan. Motion carried <br />unanimously. 7 -0 <br />A. 2810 NE Loop 286; City Block 259, Lot 29 <br />Owner: 286 Edge Inc /Gene's Flea Market, Randy Rader, 2565 Clark Ln, Paris, <br />TX 75460 <br />Back taxes owed: $0 (current) <br />Robert Talley stated wind storm blew off portion of roof on main building. <br />Robert Talley, Clyde Crews, Larry Wright, Nicki Brown, Deneen Whitaker, and <br />Robert Smith inspected all buildings on property. <br />Auction building is structurally sound. Back building has large portions of room <br />missing. Illegal rafter structure inside; too many extension cords; running <br />heaters from propane bottles. 24" of breaker box clearance; 36" is required. <br />Electrical service pulled away from building outside. Double lugging utility <br />service. Building starting to collapse in several areas. <br />Required they get a demo permit to remove rest of roof. Owners asked for <br />building permit. That was denied due to interior conditions. <br />Ken Kohls asked if owners (Randy Rader's children) are of age and able to make <br />legal decisions. Yes. <br />On map given to commission members, buildings 3, 4, and a portion of 1 are <br />recommended for demo. <br />