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Owners have hired contractors to start demo. <br />Clyde Crews — due to size, should be a sprinkled building. Potential for rapid <br />fire growth extremely large. Ceiling structures consist of textile materials and <br />tarps. Walls made from cardboard. Also have wood - burning stoves inside, by <br />exits; not allowed. Only exits that can be counted are exits marked. Extension <br />cords running through walls. <br />Ken Kohls asked what led to the inspection. <br />Clyde — all buildings in Paris are to be inspected annually; this inspection <br />occurred due to complaints of near - misses in parking lot. <br />Stephanie Harris — we had an administrative search warrant. Had to cut locks to <br />gain access; replaced and gave keys to property owner. <br />Ken Kohls — why has this building not been inspected each year like other <br />business are? <br />Clyde Crews — can no longer use FFs; has to be someone approved to do <br />inspections. <br />Chad Lindsey — does potential fire pose danger to surrounding properties? <br />Clyde Crews — cedar trees behind; businesses on either end. Could possibly <br />spread to cedars, grass, and homes behind it. <br />Robert Smith — received several complaints which led to inspection. Found <br />utility poles outside without proper wiring and GFI protection/covering. Pole #6 <br />is complete light pole with no covering; immediate life- saving issue. Open <br />access about 5 feet off ground to direct power from main utility line coming into <br />pole. Had power cut off day of inspection. Bldg 1 had wiring sticking out of <br />panels, and materials stacked in back of building which could have ignited from a <br />spark. <br />Sally McEwin — what has City done to protect public? <br />Robert Talley — Shut down main building. Cut services. <br />Ken Kohls — did owners comply with ruling? <br />Robert Talley — Yes, but a few vendors are still operating. Last Saturday 2 of <br />the stalls in the main building were still occupied. <br />Bldg. 6 has main feed running between buildings on top of a 2x4. <br />