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Regular Council Meeting <br />May 16, 2016 <br />Page 2 <br />Tim Bullock, 4025 Dawn — he said he was on the Airport Advisory Board and expressed <br />appreciation to all those who made "Wings Over Paris" a success. <br />Chris Horton, 1135 Old Jefferson Road — he said he had called city department heads <br />many times about the trash and debris in ditches and the need for them to be cleaned. He said <br />the ditch from 6a' to 12t` SE had not been maintained and that his home had flooded. Mr. Horton <br />also said this had been an ongoing problem for two years. <br />Dina Cooper, 1017 Old Jefferson Road — she said she bought her home in 2008 and the <br />ditches needed to be bigger and that the City needed to mow. She referenced homeless people <br />living across the street and that law enforcement did a good job handling the situation. <br />Sonny Auld, 950 Old Jefferson Road — he complained about flooding and said the City <br />did not dig out the ditches unless the property owners continually called the City. <br />B. Proclamation declaring the week of May 15 -21 as National Police Week. <br />Mayor Hashmi read the proclamation and presented it to Sergeant Robert Milton and <br />Officers Clifton Mitchell, Jeff Padier, and Dustin Calhoun. <br />C. Recognition of John Wright for services to the City of Paris. <br />Mayor Hashmi recognized John Wright for his service on the Council, noted the <br />completed projects while Mr. Wright was on the Council, and then asked for a moment of silence <br />in memory of Mr. Wright. Mayor Hashmi presented a certificate to Mr. Wright's family <br />members. <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Hashmi inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. There being none, a Motion to approve the consent agenda was <br />made by Council Member Lancaster and seconded by Council Member Clifford. Motion <br />carried, 5 ayes — 0 nays. <br />5. Approve minutes from the meeting on April 25, 2016. <br />6. Receive reports and /or minutes from the following boards, commissions, and committees: <br />a. Historic Preservation Commission (4 -13 -2016 & 4 -25 -2016) <br />b. Paris Economic Development Corporation (3 -22 -2016) <br />c. Traffic Commission (3 -1 -2016) <br />d. Main Street Advisory Board (4 -12 -2016) <br />7. Approve RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -016: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS APPROVING THE SUBMISSION OF AN <br />