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of the building fascia upon which the same is placed, or thirty two (32) square feet whichever is <br />greater. " The applicant has proposed 335.74 square feet of attached signage, which is a <br />175.24 square foot variance. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />A. Two individuals spoke in favor of the petition. <br />Caton Hogan, of Oklahoma City, spoke in favor of the petition. Mr. Hogan stated <br />that he is the Real Estate Project Manager for the Love's Travel Stop & Country <br />Stores. Mr. Hogan passed out a packet for the board to review. This packet <br />provided images of the location with the 50 foot sign from north and south bound <br />views. Mr. Hogan stated that they have requested the sign due to the safety issues. <br />Mr. Hogan stated that they are willing to decrease the sign to 40 feet in high but <br />would prefer the 50 foot sign. <br />Cory Jones, Pastor of Christian Fellowship Church of Paris, spoke in favor of the <br />petition. Mr. Jones stated that he is the pastor of the church across the highway and <br />understands the safety issues with the proposed sign. Mr. Jones further stated that <br />he is for this petition. <br />B. No one spoke in opposition. <br />Public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by Marilyn Smith, seconded by Deanna Manning to approve the <br />variance request. Motion carried 4 -1, with Louise Hagood in opposition. <br />4. Meeting adjourned at 5:48 p.m. <br />APPROVED THE 19TH DAY OF APRIL, 2( <br />