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Name Page count Template name
2024-026 - Canvassing the Returns for May 2024 Election[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
2024-027 - Approving an application for an extension of a Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority ‎(MVCPA)‎ Grant for continuation of the North East Texas Auto Theft Task Force[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-028 - Approving Osei Amo-Mensah as the Director of Planning & Community Development[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
2024-029 - Recommending Kevin Ashmore for appointment to the Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority Board "SuRRMA"[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-030 - Initiating the Disannexation process for four parcels of property - CR 22500 ‎(LCAD 7112-113 & 70422-23)‎[Icon] 11 CITY CLERK
2024-031 - Appointing Mickey Ellis to fill the Council vacancy in District Two[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-032 - Change in Bylaws of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone 1 to increase Board of Directors from five to seven[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
2024-033 - Appointing Members to the Board of Adjustment[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-034 - Accepting for filing a petition for establishment of the Foresbrook Public Improvement District No. 1[Icon] 25 CITY CLERK
2024-035 - Donation of Certain Real Property to the Boys & Girls Club of the Red River Valley[Icon] 6 CITY CLERK
2024-036 - Appointing Angie Briscoe and Jerry Williams to alternate positions on the Board of Adjustment[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-037 - Authorizing Execution of Advance Funding AGreement with TxDOT - Bike Lane Project[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-038 - Amending the Guidelines & Criteria for the 5 In 5 Housing Infill Development Program[Icon] 12 CITY CLERK
2024-039 - Calling a public hearing for the proposed budget[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-040 - Calling a public hearing on the proposed property tax rate[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-041 - Name the Sports Complex Pickleball Courts in Honor of Sue Hays[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-042 - Approving an Amendment to a Tax Abatement Agreement between the City and Lionshead[Icon] 58 CITY CLERK
2024-043 - Authorizing Application for Homeland Security Grant Program $18,361.00[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-044 - Creating the Forestbook Public Improvement District No. 1 relating to the Forestbrook Housing Development Project[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
2024-045 - Authorizing Execution of an Escrow Agreement regarding a Dissolution Petition - Forestbrook[Icon] 13 CITY CLERK
2024-046 - Approving the Lamar County Sheriff's Office to receive calls as a secondary public safety answring point ‎(PSAP)‎[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-047 - Repealing Resolution No. 2023-013 Hiring Incentive of $10,000.00 to newly hired Paris Police Officers[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2024-048 - Approving and authorizing an Economic Development Agreement and Tax Abatement Agreement with Tower Guard Construction & Development, LLC pursuant to the 5 in 5 Housing Infill Development Program[Icon] 45 CITY CLERK
2024-049 - Authorizing the Sale of Property located at 1045 N Main Street[Icon] 35 CITY CLERK
2024-050 -Amend Personnel Manual Section 15.15 adding State-Mandated Tiktok Policy[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
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