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Motion was made by Keith Flowers. Seconded by John Lee to approve the Final Plat. Motion <br />carried 6-0. <br />7. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of Lots 1, 2, 3, Block A, American <br />Spiral Weld CB 355 Addition, being located in the 2600 Block of Park St. <br />Easton states The Paris Economic Corporation owns 144.78 acres along the NW Loop 286 and <br />in the Industrial Park along Park Street. In preparation of the American SpiralWeld steel pipe <br />manufacturing development, the PEDC has prepared a preliminary plat of the property in order <br />to layout the proposed lots for phased development, called Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block A of <br />American SpiralWeld Addition CB 355, ultimately to be conveyed to the developer in <br />accordance with the master development agreement. The property is currently zoned Heavy <br />Industrial District. The PEDC has submitted a preliminary plat of the property, and a site plan <br />of the overall development of the steel mill plant. 'Vater and sewer utilities exist in the project <br />area, but due to site development, approximately 1,500 feet of water line will be relocated at <br />the developer's cost to accommodate the new plant. The preliminary plat identifies both the <br />existing easements to be abandoned, and the proposed easements accommodating the <br />relocation. It appears that the preliminary plat complies with the City of Paris subdivision <br />regulations, subject to the following revisions: <br />Provide a drainage easement for the detention pond. <br />2. Designate the fire lane / access easement around the proposed building. <br />3. Provide a finished floor elevation for all proposed buildings. <br />4. Coordinate and define an easement to Atmos Gas for their existing high <br />pressure gas main onsite, eliminating the blanket easement. <br />5. Coordinate and define an easement to Oncor Electric (as needed) for their <br />existing, undefined easement to Texas Power & Light. <br />Motion was made by Keith Flowers and seconded by John Lee to approve the Preliminary Plat <br />with the City Engineer recommended revisions. Motion carried 6-0. <br />8. Discussion regarding the uses in General Retail zoning. <br />Godwin states from time to time we have discussed the need to review all of our zoning <br />districts to help make sure allowable uses within our zoning ordinance still make the most <br />sense for our community and its orderly growth. We have especially run into the uses in <br />General Retail and Commercial and their significant overlap. In response to Commissioner <br />