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Lindsey's request, as well as past discussions, we have included a list of allowable uses in <br />General Retail, as well as a list of those in Commercial for comparison. <br />Chad Lindsey states the reason he wanted to bring this forward is because we seem to keep <br />running into situations where we have neighborhoods coming up against retail. When it comes <br />to someone asking can we protect them from the back of a shopping center he wants to see if <br />the City can have more authority of putting a buffer zone requirement in there. <br />Godwin states we have a little bit in our ordinance and we can bring something back over the <br />next few months. James O'Bryan states he would like more time to review some of the <br />schedules to figure out why some of these are laid out the way that they are. Godwin states <br />these two lists need to be more distinct to define the margins and he will add it to his list of <br />things to bring back before the board. <br />9. Discussion regarding Accessory Residential Dwelling Units. <br />Godwin reviewed the draft accessory dwelling ordinance with the board and O'Bryan provided <br />feedback regarding percentage of land use, building to building ratio and expressed not <br />allowing covered parking or a separate driveway/entrance for the accessory dwelling units. <br />Godwin states the plan is to bring this back for the January 7th meeting for recommendation for <br />an ordinance amendment. <br />10. Adjournment. <br />Motion made by Norment Sims and seconded by John Lee to adjourn. <br />Meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 7" DAY OF JANUARY, 2019 <br />Chairman <br />