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to get cooperation we will come back to the board to tell you what where going to do and have <br />the city attorney send letters. We are in the process of updating the actual names of those that <br />are using the hangars and getting everyone to have the same lease. He will have Richey to <br />check with other airports to see what the market is for rent these days based on CPI for the <br />area. Godwin asked the board if they are ok with having all the tenants sign a new lease and a <br />new rate. Meyers asked if we will require periodic inspections to determine that those <br />occupying hangars are in compliance with the lease agreement. Godwin states that is part of <br />the new lease agreement and that is something we need to do. Meyers asked if hangars are <br />reserved for Lamar County residents only. Richey advised there are no restrictions on that. <br />Richey passed out a handout showing rental & private hangars. Richey advised there is a <br />waiting list every time there is an opening. Richey further states sub -leasing hangars need to <br />be addressed. Some have multiple hangars and a lot of airplanes. Meyers suggested leasing <br />hangars to Lamar County tax payers. Ball asked if there is a policy list of do's and don'ts in a <br />simple format that can be posted. He would like to see some sort of policy guidelines pulled <br />from the leases that could be a quick reference. Portugal suggested posting guidelines inside <br />the individual hangars. Godwin advised the next step is to unify all the leases, update the rent, <br />insurance requirements etc. <br />5. Consideration and action on request for Capital Improvement estimates. <br />Taylor states the City paid a significant amount to a consultant years ago that specializes in <br />recommendations and master plans but in recent months there were thoughts about not using <br />that and making changes to the taxiway, building new fences, removing trees, earth work etc. <br />Taylor asked that preliminary estimates be provided to the City Council as a matter of <br />transparency. Godwin advised this issue has been addressed and the board approved to amend <br />the Airport Master Plan 4 to 0. Godwin advised that the City Council approved the amendment <br />7-0. Godwin further states the amendment to the plan allows the possibility of making these <br />changes which could or could not happen. There are no plans to construct and all this <br />amendment does is designate where things may go in the future. Regarding the location of the <br />hangar, TXDOT Aviation experts in the field approved it twice. Godwin states the point was <br />to give those that wanted to build private hangars an additional option. Portugal states this was <br />an amendment to the master plan which is fluid. She has been assured that master plans in <br />almost every city have a life span of about 10 years. After which they need to be amended or <br />totally redone to meet the city's needs. <br />Motion was made by David Taylor to properly obtain one or two preliminary capital <br />improvement estimates for the total distance of 3000 feet which is adjacent to the taxiway <br />recently approved as part of a newly altered master plan, tree removal, earthwork, fences, <br />ramps, electric lines and all the things we have discussed here. Motion dies for lack of a second. <br />6. Discussion regarding the new hangar construction project <br />Godwin advised there is no update on the TXDOT hangar construction project. They have been <br />pursuing the bonding company for months due to the contractor that walked off the job and did <br />not finish the punch list. <br />