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<br />approve the !\pplicaticn Dn ;hc condition that Liccn!.<e agn::::s to assume 2.i1 COsts <br />associaled w;;h L~e rep!ace:ne~l Df the existing Dis:ribution Polcs with new DistributiDn Poles <br />sufficicllt 10 =:nmcxl2t= L"e alta.chmems of City BDd TV Electric and any Joint Users. <br />111 EJ.edric .....ill;hen return a copy Df the Permit Applicatio~ to City reflec:inl: its conditional <br />approval a;1d SjXX:it)'ing thc Disoibution Pole3 that need to be replaced and lhe esti:naJJ::d cost <br />of :-c:p1acing Ihem, If City is willir.g 10 assume all risks and COsts usoci..t.:d ,,-'ilh that <br />:-c:plac:emcnt, City ,...ill relJJrn l.~al copy of lhe Permit Application to TU Electric, within thirty <br />(30) days of i'ts receipt, signed by an a;:>propriate Authorized Representative. The cofFY of rhe <br />Permit Application must be =mpanied by pa)'ment of the a.mount of the cstimated cost of <br />making the replacement. Upon ilS receipt of the Permit Application and payment, TU Electric <br />will process an approved Pennit Application. Upon a final determination of the actU!l cost of <br />malcing the replace,,'nent, City will pay TV Electric or 111 Eectric will refund to City, as the <br />case may be. any difference bet~'l lhc cslimaled and actual cost. <br /> <br />3.2.3, Proration of Cost cf Re1l12cir.~ Distribution Pole. or Mooif)'inp or Rr....lTl\nFinP: <br />Atttlehmo'l!5. If TV Electric conditionally approves a Permit Application pUJ;Ulllt to the <br />provisians of Sections 3,2.1 or 3.2,2 and at or about the same time, TV Electric approve! a <br />request of a third part)' for U$e of any Distribution Pol~ that must be replaced or .....hose ' <br />atlachmcnts must be modified or r-..arrangclto provide additional space to provide room for the <br />attllChme:nts of TU Ecctric, Cily and the third party, 11] Electric may prora~ between City and <br />the third parry the cost of that mc>~ification, rc.arrangemcnt or replac:emenL TV Electric wiJ+ <br />notify City of any proration and the modification, rearrangeme.,',t or rep13ce.'ne."ltlloiill2ke p)= <br />as provided for in Sections 3.2,1 or 3,2,2, <br /> <br />3.3, Location of Eou;nr."r;nr on 11] El~lTic RiFht of Way That H'25 Tnmfficient <br />Distriblll!on Poles. If City desires to locat= Equipment on any right of W<.y, casement or other <br />t"~t right of TV Electric on which no Distribution Poles or an insufficient number of <br />Distribution Poles ace located for City's purposes, City "-ill so notify TU Electric. Tne Parties, <br />within ll. reasonable time afte:- the r=ip: of that notice, will commen~ tood faiL!) negotiations <br />to determine the location of Distribution Poles !hat wiiJ meet the prese.."ll or anticipated future . <br />se:vice ~uire::le.r.ts of both TV Electric and City. At its o;:>tion, TU Elcctric may con.truc! <br />the n,.,...,..",'Y Distribution Poles and City .."all pay any a."ld all of L'le costs associa:ed with their <br />constnlction. Notwithstanding that payment, those Distribution Poles will be owne.d by <br />TV Electric and City will not acguire any ownership or property interest in them. If <br />TU Eectric, in the e::;ercise of its $Oie discretion, declines t!l construct the n--"'"" Distribution <br />Poles, City, at its option, may mue such oLfJer a..-.a."lgemeltts 25 permj~ by S~tion 12.2, <br /> <br />3.4. AOD!1:lVal cr?e:m;t A~lblion RMUirc:l. E::cept as pc.:mitied by Sections 3,7 a..-id <br />6.1, City ....m not attach, replace, relocate or modify Equipme'-lt On any of TU Elec:rie's <br />Distribution Poles unlit af'..c:r ll'.e Permit Application for Lial work has bec."l appl'O\'ed by <br />111 El=ie pursuant to the procedures described in this Section 3, <br /> <br />3.5. UnauL'lorize:l Work. Ex~t as permjne.:j by Se.ctions 3.7 and 6.1, if City aUach~, <br />:-c:places, reJoc.atcs or modifies Equipme."lt on a;,y of 111 Ele.ctric's Distribution Polcs without <br />fim obwning TU EiecL-;c's approval of a Permit Application fr:>r that work, TU Ele:c:iic, <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />" <br />