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6. Public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of Jennifer Miller on <br />behalf of Carrie and Mike Taylor for a change in zoning from a General Retail District <br />(GR) to a General Retail District with a Specific Use Permit for a Tattoo Shop (GR <br />w/SUP), in the Brookside Addition, Block 11, Lot 3, located at 803 SE 241h Street. <br />Easton states that Jennifer Miller and Jason Davis, on behalf of Mike and Carrie Taylor, <br />are requesting a Specific Use Permit to operate a Tattoo Shop. The site is approximately <br />0.3 acres with an existing strip retail store/office. The applicants are proposing to occupy <br />part of the existing building. The future land use plan recommends for this site to be retail, <br />and the existing land uses in the area include retail, office, neighborhood services, with <br />single-family homes approximately 100 feet to the north. The street access and front <br />parking area on the subject lot is limited along 24a' SE. Given the proximity to the <br />residential neighborhood, staff recommends consideration of limited hours of operation <br />and by appointment only in an effort to minimize late night disruptions to the area. <br />Public hearing was declared open. <br />With no one speaking, the public hearing was declared closed. <br />Motion was made by James O'Bryan, seconded by Sims Norment to approve the petition. <br />Motion carried 5-0. <br />7. Consideration of and action on the Preliminary Plat of Lot 3, Block 227-C of the Dority <br />Addition, LCAD Property ID 17612, located at 655-675 NE 20th Street, <br />Easton states that Kenneth Dority owns 0.248 acres in the 600 block of 20'h St NE. He <br />has submitted a preliminary and final plat of the property in order to build a triplex on the <br />lot. The lot is currently zoned Four Family Dwelling District (4F). Water service is <br />available to the property; however, sewer must be extended to the lot from Tudor Street at <br />the owners' expense. It appears that the preliminary plat complies with the City of Paris <br />regulations, and approval of the final plat is contingent upon extension of the sewer main. <br />Motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by James O'Bryan to approve the <br />preliminary plat. Motion carried 5-0. <br />8. Consideration of and action on the Final Plat of Lot 3, Bloch 227-C of the Dority <br />Addition, LCAD Parcel 17612, located at 655-675 NE 20th Street. <br />Easton states this is the same plat with same comments. <br />Motion was made by Sims Norment, seconded by James O'Bryan to approve the final <br />plat, Motion carried 5-0. <br />