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The Equipment Data Sheets and Manufacturer Information section will provide information on the <br />major items of process equipment selected for the plant based on Garver's experience and Owner <br />preference. Equipment data sheets that summarize operating conditions and key components will <br />be provided along with manufacturer catalog information. <br />Garver will lead and participate in a Preliminary Design Workshop. The workshop will be held at the <br />Owner's location and major items of discussion will include: <br />• Review and refinement of process design criteria. <br />• Review and refinement of preliminary P&IDs and preliminary selection of instrumentation. <br />• Review and refinement of preliminary electrical one -line drawings. <br />• Review and refinement of preliminary SCADA design approach and system architecture. <br />• Review and refinement of the preliminary site plan, hydraulic profile, and facilities layouts. <br />• Review and preliminary selection of major equipment items. <br />• Review of proposed construction sequencing. <br />• Process Control and SCADA workshop module. <br />• Preliminary Design Phase OPCC <br />As part of the Preliminary Design Workshop, Garver will conduct an O&M focused discussion to <br />determine process control parameters and equipment preferences. The WWTP staff preferences <br />will be documented within the preliminary design documents. The O&M discussion and SCADA <br />integration discussions will be a component module of the Preliminary Design Workshop in this <br />scope of work. <br />Garver will prepare copies of the Preliminary Design Submittal (both hard and pdf electronic files) <br />and submit for review by Owner. Garver anticipates two weeks for Owner review and comment <br />time once the Preliminary Design submittal is delivered. <br />Garver will prepare and transmit a written documentation of "mutually agreed to" responses to the <br />Owner's review comments of the Preliminary Design Documents. <br />As part of the Preliminary Design Phase, Garver will: <br />• Coordinate with TCEQ via telephone on project status and design criteria. <br />• Submit the Preliminary Design Report to TCEQ for review. <br />• Coordinate with the Owner's input, any responses to TCEQ review comments. <br />Preliminary Design Deliverables shall be: <br />• Two (2) hard copies of the draft Preliminary Design Documents (including half size drawings) <br />• Two (2) hard copies of the draft of the Preliminary Design Report. <br />• Two (2) hard copies of the final version of the Preliminary Design Report. <br />• Required copies for Funding and Technical Review as required by State Agencies. <br />5. Final Design Services <br />During the final design phase of the project, Garver will conduct final designs to prepare construction <br />plans and specifications for one (1) construction contract, including final construction details and <br />quantities, special provisions, and opinion of probable construction cost. <br />Garver will perform the following project coordination tasks: <br />• Advise Owner as to the necessity of Owner providing data or services that are not part of <br />Garver's Basic Services. <br />• Maintain an overall schedule for the project and routinely advise the Owner of critical path items <br />affecting project progress versus schedule. <br />• Maintain and monitor project budget and submit monthly invoices based on progress of work <br />to date. <br />Appendix A - Scope of Services 4 of 8 <br />City of Paris WWTP Improvements <br />