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<br />THENCE South 89 de9rees East, at 389 feet more or less, crossing the East <br />Boundary Line of said 6 acre tract, same being the West Boundary Line of said <br />6.481 acre tract, continuing on a total distance of 980 feet, more or less, to <br />an angle point in the East 80undary Line of said 6.481 acre tr~et! ~~me being <br />the East Boundary Line of said 2.836 acre tract; <br /> <br />THENCE North 72 degrees East, at a distance of 240 feet, more or less, <br />crossing the East 80undary Line of said 6.481 acre tract, same being the West <br />Boundary Line of said 35.532 acre tract, and at a distance of 499 feet, more or <br />less, crossing the East Boundary Line of said 35.532 acre tract, same being the <br />West Boundary Line of said 177.777 acre tract, continuing on a total distance of <br />800 feet, more or less, to an angle point; <br /> <br />THENCE East a distance of 320 feet, more or less, for an ending point, to <br />the center of an existing easement for an existing 30 inch water line; <br /> <br />TOGETHER WITH a 40 foot wide (measured perpendicu'lar to said center line) <br />temporary easement for the initial construction of said 16 inch water transmis- <br />sion line, such temporary easement being 20 feet either side of the above <br />described center line (said temporary easement lands containing 1.979 acres, <br />more or less); <br /> <br />TOGETHER WITH the reasonable right of ingress and egress to and from the above <br />described 20 foot wide and 40 foot wide easement areas, respectively, over other <br />lands owned or controlled by Campbell or Campbell Texas. <br /> <br />CAMPBELL.OES <br />