(5) Proposed project start and ..,d dates
<br />(6) Outline of anticipated future phases of
<br />work
<br />(7) Plans for utilization of data gathered in
<br />this phase.
<br />Inquiries concerning availability of funding can
<br />be made at any time, as funds are periodically
<br />reallocated.
<br />To insure that appropriate historical, architec-
<br />tural, archeological and cultural properties are
<br />identified for the public benefit through grant -
<br />in-aid assistance, the following minimal profes-
<br />sional standards for historical, architectural, and
<br />archeological documentation have been estab-
<br />lished by Preservation Assistance Division,
<br />National Park Service.
<br />"Personnel. Those persons supervising the
<br />surveys must be professionally qualified in
<br />accordance with 36 CFR 66 as follows:
<br />Professional Staff Requirements
<br />"In the following definitions, a year of full -time pro-
<br />fessional experience need not consist of a continuous
<br />year of full-time work but may be made up of dis-
<br />continuous periods of full-time or part -time work
<br />adding up to the equivalent of a year of full-time ex-
<br />perience.
<br />(a) History. The minimum professional qualifications
<br />in history are a graduate degree in history or closely
<br />related field; or a bachelor's degree in history or a
<br />closely related field plus one of the following: (1)
<br />At least two years of full-time experience in research,
<br />writing, teaching, interpretation, or other demonstrable
<br />professional activity with an academic institution, his-
<br />torical organization or agency, museum, or other pro-
<br />fessional institution; or (2) substantial contribution
<br />through research and publication to the body of scholar-
<br />ly knowledge in the field of history.
<br />(b) Archeology. The minimum professional qualifica-
<br />tions in archeology are: (1) a graduate degree in arche-
<br />ology, anthropology, or closely related field, or equi-
<br />valent training accepted for accreditation purposes by
<br />the Society of Professional Archeologists, (2) demon-
<br />strated ability to carry research to completion of theses,
<br />research reports, or similar documents, and (3) at least
<br />16 months of professional experience and /or specialized
<br />training in archeological field, laboratory, or library
<br />research, administration, or management, including at
<br />least 4 months experience in archeological field re-
<br />search and at least one year of experience and /or special-
<br />ized training in the kind of activity the individual
<br />proposes to practic- For example, persons supervising
<br />field archeology should have at least I year or its equi-
<br />valent in field experience and /or specialized field train-
<br />ing, including at least six months in a supervisory role.
<br />Persons engaged to do archival or documentary re-
<br />search should have had at least I year experience and /or
<br />specialized training in such work. Archeologists engaged
<br />in regional or agency planning or compliance with his-
<br />toric preservation procedures should have had at least I
<br />year of experience in work directly pertinent to plan-
<br />ning, compliance actions, etc., and /or specialized historic
<br />preservation or cultural resource management training.
<br />A practitioner of prehistoric archeology should have
<br />had at least I year of experience or specialized training
<br />in research concerning archeological resources of the
<br />prehistoric period. A practitioner of historic archeology
<br />should have had at least I year of experience in research
<br />concerning archeological resources of the historic period.
<br />Experience in archeological research in the region where
<br />the project will be undertaken is usually desirable.
<br />(c) Architectural History. The minimum professional
<br />qualifications in architectural history are a graduate
<br />degree in architectural history, historic preservation, or
<br />closely related field, with course work in American
<br />architectural history; or a bachelor's degree in architec-
<br />tural history, with a concentration in American architec-
<br />ture; or a bachelor's degree in architectural history,
<br />historic preservation, or closely related field plus one of
<br />the following: (1) At least two years full-time experi-
<br />ence in research, writing, or teaching in American
<br />history or restoration architecture with an academic
<br />institution, historical organization or agency, museum,
<br />or other professional institution; or (2) substantial
<br />contribution through research and publication to tine
<br />body of scholarly knowledge in the field of American
<br />architectural history.
<br />(d) Historical Architecture. The minimum professional
<br />qualifications in historical architecture are a professional
<br />degree in architecture or a state license to practice
<br />architecture, plus one of the following: (1) At least 1
<br />year of graduate study in architectural preservation,
<br />American history, preservation planning, or closely
<br />related field and at least 1 year of full -time professional
<br />experience on preservation and restoration projects;
<br />or (2) at least 2 years of full -time professional ex-
<br />perience on preservation and restoration projects.
<br />Experience on preservation and restoration projects
<br />shall include detailed investigations of historic struc-
<br />tures, preparation of historic structures research re-
<br />ports, and preparation of plans and specifications for
<br />preservation projects."
<br />Standard survey documents which are typically
<br />required to be submitted to the Texas Historical
<br />Commission upon completion of the survey are
<br />as follows:
<br />Architecture
<br />(1) Original survey cards, typed. Survey forms
<br />to be provided by the Texas Historical Commis-
<br />sion. (See Appendix A.)
<br />