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existing 30 -year old fence along the property line that is falling down. The residents <br />request that the rezone piece be screened as well as all the way down to 42nd Street. He <br />said the fence needs to be tall enough to prevent the lights that are shining into this <br />residential area. Doris Jones 4107 Primrose asked the rezoning will increase traffic, noise <br />or pollution and if so, what measures would be taken to mitigate the issues. Jones also <br />asked how the rezoning would impact property values for the area and are there any plans <br />is directly <br />to improve the public 'infrastructure like parking. Jones states this property <br />behind her home. Osel states there will not be an impact. Chris Kline, applicant states he <br />bought this property at the end of May 2024 and just wanted to combine the lots for tax <br />purposes because it is three separate lots. Klines states there are no plans for construction. <br />Kline futher states there are no lights facing the residential area. He has spent $50k to <br />clear the back lot as there had been no improvements to it in the last for 25 years. With no <br />one else speaking the public hearing was declared closed. <br />A Motion to approve the zoning change was made by Board Member Chad Lindsey and <br />seconded by Board Member Adam Bolton. Motion carried, 6 ayes — 0 nays. <br />7. Conduct a public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of 1995 Investments <br />LLC for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment from Manufactured Housing and Light Industrial <br />to Heavy Industrial, in the City of Paris, Block 297, Lots IA, 1-2-3-4 and 15, LOAD 59490, <br />53676, 53594, located at 1540-1590 NW Loop 286 and unaddressed vacant lot. <br />Osei"Amo-Mensah states the applicant is seeking a minor amendment to the Comprehensive <br />Plan to provide for a higher density use of the property. Also, on the agenda (Item 8) is a <br />request for a zoning change. The land use to the northwest is Agricultural and SF -3 with <br />single-family development. The land use to the east is zoned Light Industrial. Good access <br />and connection to utilities are available at this location. Heavy Industrial development in this <br />location will provide conformity and serve the immediate and long-term needs of the vicinity. <br />Staff is in support of this minor amendment to Heavy Industrial. <br />The public hearing was declared open. Donnie Phillips, 1810 Butler Lane asked what impact <br />this is going to have on their properties that are on the two dead end roads: Butler Ln and 18th <br />NW. Osel Amo-Mensah states the fire department, and public works has looked at the access <br />to the streets property and they feel there will be no heavy impact/traffic to this area. Todd <br />Mittge, Engineer states they have not received any formal engineering plans. Mittge states <br />this is the formal Taber Automotive site and advised there may be a need for an <br />incompatibility buffer and traffic impact analysis depending on their plans. Those will be <br />addressed when plans are submitted. Billy Applegate, 2650 NW 18th St asks will this project <br />affect his 26 -acre property on 1Stn Street. Fendley advises the zoning is specifically for the <br />three subject parcels and the zoning will not change on Applegate property. With no one else <br />speaking the public hearing was declared closed. <br />A Motion to approve the comprehensive plan amendment was made by Board Member <br />Adam Bolton and seconded by Board Member Chance Abbott. Motion carried, 6 ayes — <br />0 nays. <br />8. Conduct a public hearing to consider and take action regarding the petition of 1.995 Investments <br />LLC for a zoning change from an Agricultural District (AG) and Light Industrial District (LI) <br />