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<br />Planning and Zoning Minutes <br />December 5, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />8 ayes and 0 nays. <br /> <br />7. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Rita Buford for a change <br />in zoning from a Multiple-Family Dwelling District No.1 (MF-1) to <br />a Neighborhood Service District (NS) on Part of Lot 4, City Block 29, <br />being number 617 E. Houston Street. <br /> <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br /> <br />Rita Buford bought a home on 3rd Street NW that was on the <br />National Registry in 1988. Mrs. Buford stated that all of the property <br />that she and her husband own is well maintained. Their son bought <br />2 rental houses on E. Houston Street, which they have leveled and <br />redone inside and out. Ms. Buford is wanting to open a retail store, <br />and she provided the Commission with a list of items she proposed to <br />sell. If the zoning is approved, she and her husband will sell their <br />4,000 square foot home and move next door to this location. She <br />stated that she had planned to put in a beauty salon, but that the <br />person cutting hair wanted to work late at night, so she changed her <br />mind and instead wants to sell antiques and other retail items. <br /> <br />Lisa Wright advised the Commission that Mrs. Buford had originally <br />requested to put in a beauty salon only, so Neighborhood Service was <br />recommended. She stated that the Commission could approve NS <br />with a Specific Use Permit to allow for the sale of antiques; however, <br />the other items on her list could not be sold in NS zoning. Ms. Wright <br />stated that General Retail (GR) zoning would be required to conduct <br />the new activity. <br /> <br />There was no opposition, and the public hearing was declared closed. <br /> <br />7. Consideration of and action on the petition of Rita Buford for a <br />change in zoning from a Multiple-Family Dwelling District No.1 <br />(MF-1) to a Neighborhood Service District (NS) on Part of Lot 4, City <br /> <br />__........_.........._..._...__ .+. _ . _..._"....,_"-.-_..._.n...__.__,._'_.,.~___..__._....._..___,_~.,.._,"_,.._,.__~~_ <br /> <br />'------,.._'--'-',.,..,.,-_._.,---_..__._~'-'-'-' <br />