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<br /> <br />HaIff Associates <br /> <br />ENGINEERS. ARCHITECTS. SCIENTISTS <br />PLANNERS'SURVEYORS <br /> <br />May 7, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The updated Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) will be in a county-wide inclusive format, and will be <br />produced in a digital format, known as a DFIRM. The DFIRM will also include an extensive GIS database, <br />and the digital floodplain boundaries will be able to be overlaid on your existing base map of the county or <br />aerial photographs to allow you to make quicker and easier flood map determinations. <br /> <br />It is very important that a representative of your community attend the Scoping Meeting (elected officials <br />as well as floodplain manager, planning, engineering, building department, or GIS staff). It is also <br />important that information regarding the time and place of the Scoping Meeting be disseminated so that <br />anyone that could provide engineering, topographic and mapping data and is interestp.din the study <br />results can attend. <br /> <br />We are also assembling a Project Team, which is the set of community contacts that will be given regular <br />updates during the DFIRM project. To participate in the Project Team, we have enclosed a Memorandum <br />of Agreement between your community and FEMA, which documents that yourcommunity will coordinate <br />with FEMA during the DFIRM project. Please have this agreement executed and send it to us at the <br />address below or bring it with you to the Scoping Meeting. Please also provide us a copy of your <br />community floodplain management ordinance. <br /> <br />To prepare for the Scoping Meeting, we would like for your community to identify flooding sources, or <br />other flood mapping issues that might require restudy or review prior to the meeting. Please note that <br />when identifying flooding sources, it is helpful to have the flooding sources prioritized along with the <br />approximate number of stream miles involved, number of road crossings involved, and any information <br />regarding sediment issues. It would also very beneficial to provide a brief narrative describing the reason <br />for the restudy need. This information will help facilitate the meeting and assist us in finalizing the scope <br />of work. This information may also be sent to us at the address below or e-mailed to Halff Associates, Inc. <br />(IDIO contact). The contact information is as follows: <br /> <br />Halff Associates, Inc. <br />8616 Northwest Plaza Drive <br />Dallas, Texas 75225 <br />wskipwith @ halff .com <br /> <br />We wili foliow this letter with a brief phone call intelitiev'J to. sev6iaicOll1munitie$ to collect some of this . <br />information. We will also send out a package of materials for the Scoping Meeting, including a Scoping <br />Meeting agenda, Draft Scope of Project, and the Preliminary Project Management Plan. Your prompt <br />attention to this matter is appreciated, and will help ensure that an accurate and efficient project scope for <br />the flood hazard mapping update for Lamar County is developed. If you have any questions regarding this <br />Scoping Meeting or desire additional information, please feel free to contact me at (214) 346-6220. <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. <br />~ <br />Walter E. Skipwith, PE <br />Senior Project Manager <br /> <br />,....,---, <br />