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MINUTES <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />CITY OF PARIS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2008 <br />12:00 0'CLOCK P.M. <br />The Historic Preservation Commission meeting was called to order by Arvin Starrett, Chairman. <br />A. The following members were present: <br />Arvin Starrett, Chairman <br />Matt Coyle <br />Jerry Raper <br />Paul Denney, Vice Chairman <br />Susan Scholz, Secretary <br />Brad Archer <br />B. The following members were absent: <br />Ben Vaughan <br />C. Also present was Lisa A. Wright, Historic Freservation Officer. <br />Moment of silence for Ann Rogers. <br />2. Approval of minutes from previozis meetings. Motion was made by Paul Denney, <br />seconded by Matt Coyle, to approve the minutes of July 28, 2008. Motion carried 5-0. <br />3. Consideration of and action on the following Certificates of Appropriateness: <br />a. 615 IS` Street S. W. - Ronnie Fox - The Commission stated that the paint was <br />okay, however, the columns must be in wood. Lisa Wright asked the <br />Cominission if they would approve the COA with the condition that the <br />columns be made of wood, and she will talk to him about a facade grant to <br />help make up the difference. Motion was made by Jerry Raper, seconded by <br />Brad Archer to approve the COA with the condition. Motion carried 5-0. <br />Susan Scholz arrived. <br />b. 400 Church Street - Holy Cross Episcopal Church - Motion was made by <br />Paul Denney, seconded by Susan Scholz to approve the COA. Motion carried <br />6-0. <br />4. Discussion of and possible action regarding the following structures considered by code <br />inspectors to be in violation of Article III of Chapter 7 of the Cae of Ordinances of the <br />City of' Paris, Paris, Texas, entitled "Substandard and Dangerous Buildings and <br />Structures, " to determine whether such buildings or structures casz be rehabilitated and <br />designated on the National Register of Historic Places, as a recorded Texas Historic <br />. UOU031W <br />