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Landrrcark, or as historic properry as designated by the City Council of the City of Paris: <br />a. 701 E. Booth <br />b. 250 Clement Road <br />c. 16851 D`" Street N.E. <br />d. 168510`h Street N.E. <br />e. 145010`h Street N.E. <br />f. 146710`h Street N.E. <br />g. 351 10'h Street N.E. <br />Motion was made by Susan Scholz, seconded by Brad Archer, to send all structures to the <br />Building and Standards Commission for demolition since they cannot be rehabilitated nor <br />do they have significant historical value. Motion carried 6-0. <br />5. Report on status of propertv located at 717 8`h Street N.E. <br />6. Appoint a subcommittee to review the Design Standards for Historic Districts. Lisa <br />Wright was asked to send guidelines to Matt and Brad. Brad. Paul and Susan will report <br />back at the mid-September meeting. <br />7. Request items for future agendas. Mid-September meeting Design Guidelines. <br />8. Meeting adjourned at 12:07 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS l OTH DAY OF SEPTEIVIBER, 2008. <br />ARVIN STARRETT, CHAIRMAN <br />0 000033 <br />