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02/0612012 16: 31 9037842429 CITV OF PRRIS PAGE 05 <br />CONTRACTOR cannot ove;rride the decision mad.e by GITY_ Tt wi11 be the <br />xesponsibility of tt,e CONTRACTOR to notify all tcams of cancella.tio-ns. <br />9. CONTRACTOR sha,ll enforce a11 City of Paris policies and proced.ures, including <br />but not li .m. ited ta the prohrhitron aga.insi the use of alcollol or any tobacco products a.t <br />City parlcs or athletic facilities. Profanily and 7-xde gastures are proh.iUitcd at City <br />parks and at111etic facilities. CONTRACTOR wxll support the "Nv outside Food or <br />Driyilc" policy at thc Sports Complcx. <br />10. CONTRACTOR shall retrieve thc bases from Ficld 1 and Ficld 2 at the enci of <br />eacl, day ar,d store tliel71 in ihe Eqtupmelll Building ai; the Sporis Catrtplex. The <br />scoreboard controls znust be tu.rned into the con.cession stand at the Sports Caznplex at <br />the end of d.ay. In the event that the eoncession stand is clased, the score box <br />MUST bc dxoppcd i..n the slot a.t the ma.intcnazice by thc pavilion. Score <br />haxes will nvt be taken hom.e by scorekeepexs. The bascs from the ficld(s) at Wisc <br />Field must a1s4 be picked up and stored in th.e zz,en's restxoonrz or locked storagc box <br />under t1ie scorekeeper's bax at tlie end o£ eacb. day. <br />11. CONTRACTOR sliall ensure thA.t tb.e adult softball program follows TAAF adult <br />softba.ll x-ules for a.ll lcagues and divisions. Wliere a TAAF rule is not found, ASA <br />rulcs wi11 bc used. Tlzis includes the rutes for tearns to qua1ify as an industria.l ar <br />Church tcam. Thcre wiil Ue no "Home Ru1es" unless approved in by the <br />Rccrea#ion Supervisor. <br />12. CONTRACTOR or his/her desipee witZ in.spect bats being used at every game. <br />Illegal Uats or bais thoug1it tp be iJJegal sral.l not be perrnittcd. CONTRACTOR shall <br />provide eaeh team witla a current A,S,A 13,ANNED BAT 1ist. <br />13. Al.l inI'ormation ha7idauts given to players by CONTRACTOR shall also be gr ven. <br />io lhe Recreation Supezvisor. <br />1.4_ CONTRACTOR shall make cvery effort tp schedule rrzultipic gamcs per day on <br />both relds w11ei1 ihey are avai1able. {Rain outs arc an. exceptioyi to thi.s request.} <br />CONTRACTOR shal1 suUmit a schedulc to the Rcereatron Supervisox for <br />lcaguc. Schedule apprnva1 azid field allocation wi11 be determined by CTTY at its sale <br />discrction.. All schedule changes and "add-on" games must be submitted 2 wor.king <br />days in advancc of said c11ay,ge and appraved by CITY. It wi.ll be tl,e responsibility of <br />the CONTRACTOR to notrfy a11 registrants af scliedule changes. CONTRACTOR <br />skaa.ll inform all teams ihat the Sports Compl.ex felds are not a.vaflable for practices; <br />this includes tiines wheTi a game is forfeited. <br />15. CONTRt\GTQI2 i,iust a.otivcly advcrtise for has respectivc 1ldult SoftbalJ i.,eagues <br />to iylcrease partacipation. nll advertise,nents, news rcteases, fizers, web sitcs, etc. <br />must be xeviewcd a,nd apprdved in writing by CrTY pdar to clistributrarl. The <br />prograzza s1aa11 be re{'ei-red to as the City oFPari s Parks and Rccreation Softbala League. <br />Tl,e CONTRACTOR shall be refcrrcd ta as the Softball Con.tractor fvr tlie City of <br />Paris. <br />16. CONTRACTOR shall imnacdiatcly report to CITY any problems, camplai»ts, <br />irijuries, or incidciits arising firom the Recreatian Softball League_ <br />I7. CITY reserves the right ta cancel aiiy prvgram whicTa fails to mcet mi»irra.u.zn <br />registra.tion requirei,nents and refund registration fees witiiout liability or approval of <br />coNTRAcTOR. <br />18. CONTRACTOR shall, at a1I times hold hirxASelf out to the publie as heing an <br />indcpendent contractor. CONTRACTOR is not ail agent, ernployee or servant of <br />CITY and sl,al1 not clain, an.y right arisii-ig from. crrployee status. Nathing conlained <br />herein shal.l authorizc CONTRACTOR to assume or create any obliga.ti.on or <br />respansibr'Iity wliltsaevcr, axpresscd or implicd, on behalf of, or in the ,,amc ot, CTTY <br />.1.00 <br />