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AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Sc THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY FormABTPA-104 <br />(ovi2) <br />PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br />2. PROPOSED OBJECTIVES: <br />• The applicant must provide specific objectives for the project that are consistent with the proposal. The <br />objectives should reflect the overall impact that you intend the project to attain in reaching the standard goal <br />for the authority. <br />• The objectives should explain how the goal will be accomplished. The activities described should support <br />the goal and be Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, and Time-oriented. <br />• The applicant must include an objective that addresses auto theft, auto burg/ary, and crime prevention <br />that you intend the project to attain. <br />a. State the standard goal and describe the specific objectives of the project. include any <br />quantifiable data by which activities measure. <br />Goal 1: Reduce the incidents of motor vehicle theft. <br />Objective 1: (15) Conduct salvage yard inspections. <br />Objective 2: (20) Conduct field operations <br />Objective 3: (75) Complete H.E.A.T. registrations <br />Goal 2: Reduce the incidents of Theft from Motor Vehicle. <br />Objective 1: (10) Issue crime analysis bulletins to patrol for intelligence sharing with patrol <br />Objective 2: (15) Distribute burglary of vehicle information to citizens in auto burglary hot spots. <br />Objective 3: Notify Patrol Division of Burglary Auto hot spots <br />Goal 3: Public awareness methods used to educate citizens of Texas and training of qualified personnel in the detection and <br />prevention of auto burglary and theft. <br />Objective 1: (5) Work public awareness events. <br />Objective 2: Continue to make contacts with media to promote "Watch Your Car" <br />Objective 3: Continue attending Intelligence meetings in strengthen contacts within the Police and Sheriff's Departments <br />in our program area to distribute Auto Theft and Burglary of a Vehicle Trends <br />Goal 4: Help increase the recovery of stolen motor vehicles. <br />Objective 1: (200) Inspect vehicles/trailers -68A inspections, salvage yards <br />Objective 2: (20) Conduct field operations <br />Objective 3: (100) Complete H.E.A.T. registrations <br />Goal 5: The number of persons arrested from motor vehicle theft. <br />Objective 1: (S) Initiate bait operations <br />Objective 2: (20) File auto theft cases <br />Objective 3: (S) Decrease victim refusal to prosecute case <br />Goal 6: The clearance rate of motor vehicle thefts. <br />Objective 1: (50) Clear auto theft cases <br />Objective 2: (20) Conduct field operations <br />Objective 3: (5) Decrease victim refusal to cooperate <br />Goal 7: Prevent the incident of fraudulent titles and registration of stolen vehicles. <br />Objective 1: (200) Inspect vehicles/trailers -68A inspections, salvage yards <br />Objective 2: (5) Work public awareness events <br />Objective 3: Collaborate with TXDMV and Counties in our coverage area on a quarterly basis <br />`ABTPA 031 <br />