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JL AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY 8c THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY Form ABTPA-104 <br />WatYh Yar C (01/12) <br />Goal 8: Reduce the incident of automobile insurance fraud. <br />Objective 1: Collaborate with NICB on a quarterly basis <br />Objective 2: (5) Investigate suspected insurance fraud/false reports <br />Objective 3: Create an insurance fraud database for our coverage area and track offenders <br />b. Describe how the project will impact the stated problem. <br />The program will impact the stated probfem by focusing our efforts set out in the listed goals and objectives which is designed to <br />combat auto theft and auto burglary in a(3) three pronged attack being: 1. Arresting individuals found to be engaged in auto theft <br />and auto burglary 2. Public awareness to remind everyone to Watch their Car and to Lock -Your Car, Take-Your Keys and Hide- Your <br />belongings. 3. Training of law enforcement Officers and County Tax Assessor Collectors employees to combat auto theft, insurance <br />fraud, burglary of a vehicle and title fraud. <br />c. Describe proposed plan for auto theft crime prevention, education and training. <br />The proposed plan for auto theft prevention includes continuing to do public awareness events and distributing information <br />concerning auto theft and auto burglary at the events. We plan to continue the ABTPA grass roots campaign by speaking at local <br />events such as to the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club and Citizens on Patrol. This year we plan to distribute material at the Fairs in Titus, <br />Fannin, Grayson and Lamar County. We plan to conduct (2) auto theft training classes and meet with the Tax assessors in our <br />coverage area to determine the training needs for their employees and teach a class for those that are interested. <br />135 <br />ABTPA-20 of 31 <br />