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Ah Alk Aww~ Agh <br />E-3. FLAVORED RECON.STINTED DRINKs OR FIAVORED RECON.STIIUTED DAIRY <br />DRINK - Flavored reconstituted drink, or flavored reconstituted dairy drinko <br />is a flavored drink made frora reconstituted skira milk. <br />E-4o MIIK OR SKIM-MIIK BEVERAGE - A milk beverage or a skim-milk <br />beverage is a food compound or confection consisting of milk or skirri-milk as <br />the case may beg to which has been added a syrup or flavor consisting of <br />wholesome ingredients. <br />F. BUTIERIuQIK - Buttermilk is a fluid pmduct resUlting from the <br />churning of milk or cream. It contains not less than 8 percent milk solids- <br />not-fat. <br />MF-1. CULTURED BUTTERMTLK.-Cultured <br />4 buttermilk is a fluid product resulting from the ired milk is a fluid OT semifluid product <br />souring or treatment, by a lactic acid or other cul- ;men.t9by a lactic acid OT other CUZtUTep Of <br />ture, of pasteurized skim milk or pasteurized re- <br />constituted skim milk. It contains not less than a istituted milk or pasteurized concentrated <br />per cent milk solids-not-fat. <br />1 H noz iess than 8 percent miik solids-not-fat and not less <br />than 31 percent milkfat, <br />G. VITAtuQN D IuIIIK - Vitamin D milk is milk the vitamin D content of <br />which has been increased by an approved method to at least 400 U.S.P. Units <br />per quart. <br />G-1. FORTIFIED MIIK ANQ I+ULK PRODUCTS - Fortified milk is milkg other <br />than vitamin D milk, the vitamin and/or mineral content of which has been in- <br />creased by a methodand in an amount approved by the health officer. Fortified <br />milk products are those milk products defined in this ordinancel other than <br />vitafnin D milk productsv the vitamin and/or mineral content of which has been <br />increased by a method and in an amount approved by the health officer, and to <br />which skim-rnilk solids may or may not have been added. The label shall con- <br />tain the word "Fortified" and shall clearly show the amount and source of each <br />vitamin and/or mineral addedo <br />H. REGbNSTITUTED, OR RECOMBINED, MIIK - Reconstituted g or recombined, <br />milk is a product which resalts from the recombining of milk constituents with <br />waterg and which complies with the standards for milkfat and solids-not-fat of <br />milk as defined herein. <br />H.J. RECONSTITUTED, OR RECOtuBINED9 CREAM - Reconstituteao or recom- <br />bined, cream is a,product which results from the combination of dry cream, <br />butter,, or miTk`fat,°vaith creamp milkp skim milkp or watert and which coraplies <br />with'the milkfat standards of cream as defined herein. <br />H-2. REGnNSTITUTED9 OR RE(OIuBINED, SKIM AaIK - Reconstituted, or re- <br />combined# skim rnilk is a product which results from the recombining of skim- <br />râ–ºulk''constituents with water, and which contains not less than 8 percent milk <br />solids-not-fat. <br />