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" City ~ <br />6 A rrestx.--Assaulls and tCatterfes. <br /> <br /> NUMBER V. <br /> <br />ARRESTS. ~<;~lq. DINANCE to define the <br />AN ORDINANCE to authorize officers to summon private citizens to assist in preservingSECTION I. A city <br />peace and making arrests. <br /> <br /> SECTION X. The city marshal, his deputies and policemen } voters of this city as pr <br /> <br />or any other person lawfully authorized to make arrests, and pr~e- [ officers, who shall take ti <br />seiwe the peace, may call upon or summon any person present to office for two years and <br /> and qualified. <br />assist in making arrests or in preserving the peace. Any person <br />failing or refusing to assist when snmmoned by any o~cer law- SEc. 2. The city a <br />fully authorized shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on SEc. 3' It shall be <br /> all cases of this city in ai <br />conviction before the mayor's court shall be fined in any sum not <br />to exceed one hundred dollars, mayor's ~ourt and pros <br /> <br /> i this city, to advise the ol <br /> <br /> :i committees when reques <br /> on any legal question <br /> contracts, etc., when re <br /> before their final passafi <br /> NUMBER VI. form to the state laws, t <br /> ASSAULTS AND BATTERIES. draft ordinances on mo <br />AN ORDINANCE to define and punish assaults and batteries, t [ other duties as the coun. <br /> SECTION ~. If any person shall unlawfully make an assault~ <br />or an assault and battery upon the person of another within the <br />limits of this city, he shall be fined not less than five nor more <br />than twenty-five dollars. <br />SEC. 2. An assault or an assault and battery is hereby de- Ail OtlDINANCE to protect tl <br />clared to mean the same as that defined by chapter x, art. 484 of ' S~CTION ~. It sba <br />the penal code of the State of Texas. any pen, pencil or othe! <br />SEC. 3- The provisions of chapter one of the penal code of ~' any wise change, alter <br />the State of Texas and each and all of the articles and sections of <br /> signed <br /> alia <br /> executed <br /> in <br />said chapter one relating to assaults and assaults and batteries and ' Paris," provided that <br />defining, excusing, justifying, explaining and mitigating the same <br /> persons acting under th <br />are hereby adopted, and declared to be a part~of the law of this <br /> any person violating <br />city. deemed guilty of a m <br /> : shall be fined not less t <br /> for each and every offe <br /> <br /> <br />