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(2) Aas prwided citizens with an opportunity to participate in the detecmi- <br />nation of priorities in cacRainity development and housing needs; <br />(3) Has prwided adequate notices of public hearinqs as required by the <br />written plan; <br />(4) Has held hearings on the proposed applicatian before adoption of a reso-- <br />lution or sunilar action by the local gaverning body authorizing the filing of <br />the application; , <br />(5) Will prwide for citizen participation when considerinq amendments to the <br />Camnunity Developn+ent Program and the Housing Assistance Plan; and <br />(6) Will pravide fot citizen participation in the planning, implanentation <br />and assessment of the Coamunity Development Program including the develaprnent of <br />the Grantee Performance Report and the sutmission of views to the HUD Area Office. <br />(e) Its chief executive officer or other officer of applicant apprwed by <br />HfJD: <br />(1) Consents to assume the status of a responsible Federal official under the <br />National Envirormiental Policy Act of 1969 insofar as the provisions of such Act <br />aoply to 24 CFR 570; <br />(2) Is authorized and consents on behalf of the applicant and himself to <br />accept the jurisdiction of the Federal courts for the purpose of enforcement of <br />his responsibilities as sucti an official. <br />(f) Tlze Camwnity Developrtient Program has been developed so as to give maxi- <br />mwn feasible priority to activities which will benefit 1 ar and maderatrincome <br />families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. <br />(The requirement for this certification will not preclude the Secretary fran <br />approving an application where the applicsnt certifies, and the Secretary deter- <br />mines, that all or part of the Cortrtunity Development Program activities are <br />designed to meet other conrrunity develapment needs having a particular urgency <br />as specifically explained in the application in accordance with 5570.302(f).) <br />(g) It will carQly with the regulations, policies, guidelines and require- <br />ments of OMB Circular No. A-102, Revised, and Federal ManageJnent Circular 74-4 <br />as they relate to the application, acceptance, and use of Federal funds under <br />this Part. <br />(h) It will administer and enforce the labor standards reauirements set forth <br />in $570.605 and BUU regulations issued to implement such requireJnents. <br />(i) It will corcply with all reauirernents inposed by AUD concerning special <br />reauirements of law, program requirenents, and other administrative reauirenents, <br />approved in accordance with OhB Circular No. A-102, Revised. <br />(j) It vill cortoly vith the provisions of Executive Order 11296, relating to <br />evaluation of flood hazards arr3 Executive Order 11288 relating to the prevention, <br />control, and abatement of xater pollution. <br />(k) It will require every building or facility (other than a privately owned <br />residential structure) designed, constructed, or altered with funds provided <br />under this Part to comply With the "American Standard Specifications for Making <br />Buildings and Facilities Accessible to, and Usable by, the Physically Aandicapp- <br />ed," Ntimber A-127.1-R 1971, subject to the exceptions contained in 41 CFR 101- <br />19.604. The applicant will be responsible for conducting inspections to insure <br />canoliance with these specifications by the contractor. <br />HUD-7088 <br />