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CONTRACTOR cannot override the decision made by CITY. Tt will be the <br />responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to notify all teams of cancellations. <br />9. CONTRACTOR shall enforce all City of Paris policies and procedures, including <br />but not limited to the prohibition against the use of alcohol or any tobacco products at <br />City parks or athletic facilities. Profanity and rude gestures are prohibited at City <br />parks and athletic facilities. CONTRACTOR will support the "No outside Food or <br />Drink" policy at the Sports Complex. <br />10. CONTR.ACTOR shall retrieve the bases from Field 1 and Field 2 at the end of <br />each day and store them in the Equipment Building at the Sports Complex. The <br />scoreboard controls must be turned into the concession stand at the Sports Complex at <br />the end of each day. In the event that the concession stand is closed, the score box <br />MUST be dropped in the slot at the maintenance building by the pavilion. Score <br />boxes will not be taken home by scorekeepers. The bases from the field(s) at Wise <br />Field must also be picked up and stored in the men's restroom or locked storage box <br />under the scorekeeper's box at the end of each day. <br />11. CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the adult softball program follows TAAF adult <br />softball rules for all leagues and divisions. Where a TAAF rule is not found, ASA <br />rules will be used. This includes the rules for teams to qualify as an Industrial or <br />Church team. There will be no "Home Rules" unless approved in writing by the <br />Recreation Supervisor. <br />12. CONTRACTOR or his/her designee will inspect bats being used at every game. <br />Illegal bats or bats thought to be illegal shall not be permitted. CONTRACTOR shall <br />provide each team with a current ASA BANNED BAT list. <br />13. All information handouts given to players by CONTR.ACTOR shall also be given <br />to the Recreation Supervisor. <br />I4. CONTRACTOR shall make every effort to schedule multiple games per day on <br />both fields when they are available. (Rain outs aze an exception to this request.) <br />CONTRACTOR shall submit a schedule to the Recreation Supervisor for each <br />league. Schedule approval and field allocation will be determined by CITY at its sole <br />discretion. All schedule changes and "add-on" games must be submitted 2 working <br />days in advance of said change and approved by CITY. It will be the responsibility of <br />the CONTR.ACTOR to notify all registrants of schedule changes. CONTR.ACTOR <br />shall inform all teams that the Sports Complex fields are not available for practices; <br />this includes times when a game is forfeited. <br />15. CONTRACTOR must actively advertise for his respective Adult Softball Leagues <br />to increase participation. All advertisements, news releases, fliers, web sites, etc. <br />must be reviewed and approved in writing by CITY prior to distribution. The <br />program shall be referred to as the City of Paris Pazks and Recreation Softball League. <br />The CONTRACTOR shall be referred to as the Softball Contractor for the City of <br />Paris. <br />16. CONTRACTOR sha11 immediately report to CITY any problerns, complaints, <br />injuries, or incidents arising from the Recreation Softball League. <br />17. CITY reserves the right to cancel any program which fails to meet minimum <br />registration requirements and refund registration fees without liability or approval of <br />CONTRACTOR. <br />18. CONTRACTOR shall, at ail times hold himself out to the public as being an <br />independent contractor. CONTRACTOR is not an agent, employee or servant of <br />CITY and shall not claim any right arising from employee status. Nothing contained <br />herein shall authorize CONTRACTOR to assume or creafe any obligation or <br />responsibility whatsoever, expressed or implied, on behalf of, or in the name of, CITY <br />