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City of Paris Historic Resources Survey 2003 <br /> Phase 1 - Page 5 <br /> <br /> Task 4.2 - Preservation Plan Development Outline <br /> <br /> ARCHITEXAS will meet with the PHPC to discuss the goals of the Paris Preservation <br /> Plan and determine the program areas to be covered in the plan. Such program areas <br /> might include, but are not limited to, city historic districts, city conservation districts, <br /> commercial and residential design and development guidelines, local tax and f'mancial <br /> incentives, and city marker programs. <br /> <br />The preservation of the city's historic and cultural heritage is also an important element <br />to achieve increased economic development. Oppommities for economic development in <br />association with historic preservation for Paris, such as regional tourism, will be explored <br />and identified. <br /> <br />These discussions will be utilized in the active development of an outline for the Paris <br />Preservation Plan. The outline will then be distributed to all PHPC board members for <br />review and comment. <br /> <br />Task 4.3 - Paris, Texas, Historic Preservation Plan <br /> <br />Based on the goals outlined in Task 4.2, the Paris, Texas Historic Preservation Plan will <br />be drafted. The written draft will include city preservation standards developed according <br />to the goals of the PHPC and, where appropriate, will include illustrations and examples <br />of those standards. The Plan will be developed in accordance with the City of Paris' <br />enabling legislation regarding historic resources. The draft will be distributed to the <br />members of the PHPC for review, comment and revision prior to completion of the final <br />draft. <br /> <br />The final draft of the Paris, Texas Historic Preservation Plan will be competed and a <br />predetermined number of copies distributed to the PHPC. Additional copies will be <br />printed on request for an additional fee. <br /> <br />Task 4.4 - Preservation Plan Presentation <br /> <br />ARCHITEXAS will conduct a public presentation to community and governmental <br />leaders about the details of the Preservation Plan. Additional meetings will be conducted <br />at the request of the PHPC for an additional charge. <br /> <br />Task 5 - Paris Historic Resources Website <br />A web consultant working with ARCHITEXAS will produce a website to display the <br />history of Paris, and to provide details of the city's historic resources. The site wilt <br />include information of the historic commercial properties of Pads including survey <br />forms. A resource area on the site will provide information about Pads historic <br /> <br /> <br />