<br />"",UUu,, """""""",
<br />
<br />abundance of summer activities, such as golf,
<br />mountain biking, fishing, rafting, and cultural arts
<br />
<br />performances, has produced a growing market for
<br />summer tourism. The town has 19 parks, a
<br />
<br />pedestrian corridor, a public library, a full service
<br />
<br />hospital, an indoor ice arena, an l8-hole champion-
<br />
<br />ship public golf course, 17 miles of recreatIOn
<br />trails, an internationally recognized high altitude
<br />
<br />alpine garden and an outdoor amphitheater named
<br />for one of the area's most famous residents,
<br />
<br />former President Gerald R, Ford.
<br />
<br />
<br />Pristine natural resources are a major reason for
<br />
<br />Vail's attraction to residents and guests. Although
<br />Vail receives more that 250 inches of snow a
<br />
<br />year, the Vail area still averages almost 300 days
<br />
<br />of sunshine each year. We invite you to celebrate
<br />
<br />living and working in the mountains!
<br />
<br />The Organization
<br />
<br />Vail was founded as a ski resort in 1962. The town
<br />
<br />incorporated by 1966, opening for business as the
<br />
<br />situation demands that town government work
<br />with the lodging, retail, restaurant, and ski indus-
<br />
<br />tries in maintaining and improving the overall
<br />tourism product. while stili being effective and
<br />
<br />efficient in its delivery of municipal services.
<br />
<br />To that end, the Town Council adopted a mission,
<br />
<br />vision and values statement, which reads as follows:
<br />
<br />OUR VISION: To be the Premier Mountain Resort
<br />
<br />Community I
<br />
<br />OUR MISSION: We will provide citizens of Vall and
<br />
<br />our guests with a superior level of environmentally-
<br />
<br />sensitive services and an abundance of
<br />
<br />recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities.
<br />
<br />OUR COMMITMENT: To provide VISion, leader-
<br />ship, and stewardship In an enVIronmentally and
<br />
<br />economically responsible manner
<br />
<br />OUR VALUES: Respect, Trustworthiness,
<br />Integrity, Vision, EnVIronmental Ethics
<br />
<br />OUR TEAMWORK APPROACH. Participative
<br />Leadership, Shared Responsibility, Aligned on
<br />
<br />Purpose, High Communication, Future-Focus, Task
<br />Oriented, Creative Talents, and Rapid Response.
<br />
<br />The Position
<br />
<br />Vail's Mayor and Town Council are seeking a
<br />visionary leader with unquestionable ethics and
<br />
<br />integrity as well as solid management, organiza-
<br />tional, and financial skills. It is expected that the
<br />
<br />Town Manager will be politically savvy and
<br />
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<br />
<br />team with Council and staff in providing open,
<br />responsive and customer-oriented service to the
<br />
<br />community and its visitors. The town is fortunate
<br />
<br />
<br />to have an outstanding and stable staff of skilled
<br />
<br />and knowledgeable professionals already in place,
<br />
<br />The Town Manager is expected to maintain and
<br />Improve cooperative working relationships between
<br />
<br />the town, surrounding counties, state, and other
<br />governmental and regional agencies. The ability to
<br />
<br />leverage town dollars, determine outside funding
<br />sources, and to acquire those outside funds is
<br />
<br />highly deSIrable. Proven redevelopment experience
<br />is also desirable in that the town is preparing to
<br />
<br />evaluate proposals In excess of $500 million in
<br />p"vate redevelopment over the next few years.
<br />
<br />Vail IS a modern and sophisticated community with a
<br />unique blend of IndiViduals with different viewpoints,
<br />
<br />passions, and Interests. The new Town Manager
<br />must feel comfortable In an environment where
<br />
<br />community input is expected, welcomed, and
<br />abundant. The new Manager must have a successful
<br />
<br />track record of unifying diverse groups and be able
<br />to enhance relationships between Council members,
<br />
<br />departments, and the community-at-Iarge. Finally,
<br />the Town Council is seeking an individual who is able
<br />
<br />to effectively and realistically manage complex public
<br />processes and who is experienced in significant
<br />
<br />public infrastructure improvements, Vail
<br />is at a pivotal point in its history, and the
<br />
<br />
<br />new Manager must be confident and
<br />