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We need to clarify the definition on full -time employees and also if all employees are eligible for the <br />longevity and cost of living that was budgeted or should it be based on a certain number of hours <br />worked per year. We budgeted for the cost of living adjustment (C.O.L.A.) and longevity as a stipend and <br />will be given as a lump sum, but we need to clarify who is eligible and need a policy written and <br />approved. The board members asked Mrs. Prestridge to research and bring back at another meeting. <br />Mrs. Prestridge presented the August monthly report that WIC served 1561 clients. The Paris -Lamar <br />County Health District served 728 clinical clients, 25 restaurant inspections and 1 restaurant complaint, <br />10 septic systems installed with 1 septic complaints in the county, and no cases of possible rabies. <br />The next meeting will be on the 211t of October, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at the Paris - Lamar County Health <br />District. <br />Dr. Gibbons made the motion and was seconded by Mr. Collins for the meeting to be adjourned at 6:17 <br />p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by: <br />Cheryl D. Johnson <br />C&iyfg. 9o4nson <br />Approval motion made by Mr. Collins and seconded by Dr. House at the December 15th , 2014 meeting. <br />