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Mike We don't really view that as lowering the standard, but someone <br />might say technically we have lowered the standard, but we do not <br />view it that way, because when we say this other experience would <br />demonstrate that they are qualified to do the work. In other words, <br />they would certainly have to be able to read and write. <br />Webb So, if they did not have a diploma or a GED they would have to have <br />some experience in order to get that job. <br />Mike We would consider that experience, in other words, for the <br />particular position. There is really not a position that does not <br />require the ability to read at some level that they can comprehend, <br />and I think really where your high school education comes in, but <br />occasionally there are people that like just a little bit. Thy could go <br />take the GED and pass it, but they just haven't had the time do, and <br />hadn't done it. They can read, and write they can demonstrate that. <br />And, say they maybe a concrete finisher. I remember talking to a <br />fellow one time he couldn't even get an interview because he did <br />not have a high school education or GED. That is what prompted us <br />to say, well, we will consider related experience and that way we <br />can open it up a little more. <br />High Is there a universal application for non -civil service. <br />Gene Yes. <br />High May I see one. <br />Gene Yes, I will get you one <br />Haynes The civil service that Mike mentioned a minute ago, was composed <br />of the police officers and firefighters for any city that is opted to be <br />a civil service city, which the City of Paris has been since, I believe, <br />the early 1950's. <br />Malone And when we say opted, we mean that the citizens voted in an <br />election to adopt the civil service law. <br />Haynes To be a police officer, which is an entrance examination that we <br />