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reimbursements coming in and we can catch up, I would like to put some kind of caveat in <br />there, I think one year when I first come on, each entity contributed $86,000. apiece so it was a <br />higher year that year. I would like to show the $75,000 hard money upfront as operational, <br />then have some wiggle room at the end of the year that if there is some kind of shortfall (if <br />there is and we are hoping there is not), but there plenty of money to carry over but says there <br />is an extra $20,000 that we got funding cut or something, that there is something saying that <br />there is a reasonable caveat saying that they gave us the $75,000 but say there is a little issue <br />at the end and there is a small shortfall I feel like there needs to be some sort of security net <br />that if there is something that exceeded that $75,000 that we are not hung out to dry. <br />Dr. Gibbons suggested adding a second bulletin and put in a sentence saying that the board <br />may petition both the city and the county for additional funds to cover shortfalls at the end <br />of the fiscal year. <br />Mr. Collins asked if we were going to consider a cost index increase off that $75,000. <br />Dr. Erickson advised that the interlocal agreement included plus a cost of living and inflation <br />increase towards the annual budget, but if we are going to manage our employees then we <br />will manage their raises. <br />Mrs. Prestridge said that if we had the money and an employee was due a raise or something, <br />then I think it should be in addition to a cost of living if it is due and credited and there is <br />money for it, then it should be voted on. I am just thinking in my mind that you are not going <br />to stalemate every employee to the lesser of the raises. <br />Dr. Erickson said that Judge Superville wanted a caveat saying that you could not give anyone <br />a raise that was more than the lowest raise that a City or County employee gets, but <br />apparently if they flip -flop every year, then nobody gets a raise at the health department and <br />everybody gets a raise every other year at the City and County. <br />Mr. Collins stated that it meant that if the City gave a 5% raise and then the County only a <br />3.5% raise then the health department would get the 3.5% rather than the 5 %. <br />Mrs. Prestridge stated that in a lot of years the County may give a raise and the City will give <br />nothing, or vise - versa, so the Health Department would not get a raise. <br />Dr. Erickson said that this is micromanaging our budget. <br />Gene Anderson suggested that Judge Superville may be wanting a way to control the upper <br />end of what the County will have to contribute. Maybe, if you put a cap on there then it <br />would not matter what you need, you could get 25% pay increases, but the City and the <br />County will not pay any more than the cap amount. This should satisfy both the City and the <br />County. <br />Board of Health minutes 2014 -01 -21 Special Meeting (needing approval) <br />
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