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01/21/2014 MINUTES
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Dr. Erickson suggested that we collect what amount the City and County budgets for the Health <br />Department (upfront) and we can add a sentence stating that any additional funds could be <br />returned. <br />Mr. Collins stated that the Health Department needs to collect the $75,000 upfront at the <br />beginning of each budget year. <br />Mr. Anderson suggested that the Health Department set up a reserve policy like the City of <br />Paris currently has. The Health Department would set up a $150,000 - $200,000 reserve policy <br />that the Health Department will work towards and obtain having for two to three months of <br />operating reserve as a minimum and you keep any surplus money and it goes toward the <br />reserve and if you have an unexpected shortfall then you have a reserve that is there to cover it <br />and you will not have to go to the City and County. Then once the reserve amount is met then <br />you could reduce your budget or renegotiate how much the City and County would give, but <br />first you would bill up the reserve so you would have that money. An operating reserve could <br />cover an emergency shortfall. Mr. Anderson stated that the City budgeted $75,000 and the City <br />paid thirty something thousand based on the shortfall on September 30th, so Mr. Anderson did <br />not think that the City would object to paying the balance of forty something thousand that was <br />budgeted and put in the interlocal agreement that on October 1 or soon thereafter that the City <br />of Paris will pay their $75,000 match to give the cash flow requirement that the Health <br />Department needs. <br />Dr. Gibbons asked if the City and County would each give $75,000 if the Health Department had <br />a $500,000 operating reserve fund. Is there a certain point where you build up your reserve <br />fund and then the City and County ask why they are giving you money every year and you are <br />not using your reserve funds? <br />Mr. Anderson stated that if you have in the interlocal agreement that the $75,000 cap is for <br />three years then will be renegotiated, if you build up an excessive reserve then you could <br />address that then at the renegotiation. <br />Dr. Gibbons stated that ideally you could build up the reserve to a certain point and then you <br />could use it as your start up cost every year. <br />Dr. Erickson stated that the startup cost will be a onetime deal such as software like <br />QuickBooks, audits, and we can't use the City of Paris attorney, accounting department and we <br />will have to hire someone to do and those are additional cost to our budget that have not been <br />there before. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that since we will be doing the accounting in -house there will be the <br />additional compensation cost but the audit will be the largest outside cost. <br />Board ofAealth minutes 201401 -21 Special Meeting (needing approval) <br />
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