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01/21/2014 MINUTES
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01/21/2014 MINUTES
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Department has money in the bank does not mean that the City and County does not still need <br />to contribute until the target is met. <br />Dr. Erickson asked Mr. Anderson to correct him if his had misunderstood. The Health <br />Department budget ends on September 30th and we have an accounting for what happened <br />during that fiscal year, and we end up with a $20,000 shortfall, so the City and County would <br />have to pay $10,000 towards the shortfall plus in the new agreement $75,000 upfront. So, the <br />old agreement was that the City and County would cover the shortfall, so we still need that <br />money. In moving forward, we need this money. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that the Health Department had been given the money for the shortfall <br />for last year but not for this year. You will not know what the shortfall is going to be until <br />September 301h, so you need to do the shortfall for one more year plus the $75,000. <br />Dr. Erickson stated that as this year ends, we will have a shortfall then we will budget the <br />$75,000 and there will not be an accounting at the end with a shortfall at the end of that year. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that we need to include that the final year to settle up would be <br />September 30, 2014 and beginning with the FY14 -15 budget it will be a flat amount of $75,000 <br />and then beginning October 1 for the next three years, then renegotiating up to the next three <br />years. <br />Mr. Anderson stated that he would meet with Mr. Kent Mcllyar and make the changes and then <br />send back to the Board Members to review. <br />Dr. Erickson stated that 9.6 is modification of the interlocal agreement and do we want them to <br />be able to modify by a majority vote by the City Council and the Lamar County Commissioners <br />Court or by representatives from the City and Lamar County. <br />Mr. Collins suggested that 9.6 should be modified by the majority vote of the Health <br />Department board and then by joint approval by the City and County. <br />Dr. Erickson stated that all members voted for the first 1.4, the second 1.6, the second 1.7, third <br />7.2, the second 7.5, and the second 9.6 discussion points but with the changes listed above. <br />Mrs. Prestridge asked that 7.2 be changed to 90 days and 60 days. <br />Dr. Erickson stated that we will not be going to budget hearings and we will take our budget to <br />Commissioner Court and City Council and submitted for review and not for approval. <br />Mrs. Prestridge suggested that a Board Member take the Health Department budget to City <br />Council and Commissioner Court for review. <br />Board of Health minutes 201401 -21 Special Meeting (needing approval) <br />
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