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4. Public Hearing to consider the petition of Wayne Brown for a change in <br />zoning from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) and-General Retail <br />District (GR) to a Multiple Family Dwelling District No. 1 (MF -1), Lots 2, 3, <br />4, City Block 243, being number 2500 Bonham Street. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />Mr. Wayne Brown, 3755 N.E. Loop 286, representing Pshigoda Foundation, <br />spoke in favor of the petition. The Pshigoda Foundation builds affordable <br />housing for the elderly. There are many on the waiting list. The Foundation <br />wants to build 25 units but contract to buy the property is contingent on zoning. <br />There was no opposition, the public hearing was declared closed. <br />5. Consideration of and action on the petition of Wayne Brown for a change in <br />zoning from a One - Family Dwelling District No. 2 (SF -2) and General Retail <br />District (GR) to a Multiple Family Dwelling District No. 1 (MF -1), Lots 2, 3, <br />4, City Block 243, being number 2500 Bonham Street. <br />Motion was made to approve by Curtis Fendley and seconded by Michael <br />Dangerfield. Motion carried by a vote of 9 ayes and 0 nays. <br />6. Public Hearing to consider the petition of the City of Paris for a change in <br />zoning from a Multiple Family Dwelling District No. 1 (MF -1) to a Public <br />Lands and Institutions District (PLI), Lot 1, City Block 152, being number <br />829 Brame. <br />The public hearing was declared open. <br />Earl Smith, the City Engineer, spoke in favor of the petition explaining that a coin <br />operated laundry is to be built and to be administered by Paris Housing Authority. <br />The project will be funded in part by a Grant from TDCP as part of the Young vs <br />Cisneros settlement. <br />Mr. Skipper Steely, 801 W. Sherman, opposed the zoning change. He is afraid of <br />it being a gathering place for drug dealing juveniles. He requested that George <br />Wright name be removed from Paris Housing Authority complex. He would like <br />the whole complex fixed up, landscaped, etc. Mr. Steely presented a letter in <br />opposition to the petition. <br />Gary Nelson, 557 7th S.W., opposed the petition complaining of traffic on 7th <br />S.W. He fears traffic increase. <br />Robert Newman, 556 7th S.W., asked why not use the grocery store on W. <br />Washington. He fears the laundry would be torn up. <br />