f) 3
<br />finding information or assessability, there were not any particular
<br />problems.
<br />Councilman Bell wanted to know how big of a business is the City of
<br />Paris, and Mr. Hensel advised the Council that the total assets are one
<br />hundred million dollars, and that does not necessarily include
<br />everything, for instance we have a lot of streets, culverts, and
<br />bridges and that type things that are not capitalized as a general
<br />fixed asset. Mr. Hensel pointed out on page eight, exhibit two, there
<br />is one total of revenues, now that total of revenue is generally
<br />operating revenues from the General Fund taxes and that type thing, and
<br />over on page twelve there is another revenue total of the Water and
<br />Sewer Fund revenues, the first one it is fifteen million in tax
<br />revenues etc, and the Water and Sewer Fund is ten million, so you are
<br />talking about a twenty five million gross revenue, which is a
<br />significant business. Mr. Hensel said that the City of Paris is on
<br />very stable ground.
<br />After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Fulbright,
<br />seconded by Councilman Boyd to accept the Comprehensive Annual
<br />Financial Report as presented. The motion carried 6 ayes, 0 nays.
<br />Councilman Charles Neeley, member of the Ark -Tex Council of Government
<br />Board and Executive Committee, reported that the Ark -Tex Council of
<br />Government was organized in 1966, then changed in 1968, the idea was a
<br />another level of government that was not really recognized by the
<br />constitution, but they are appointed for regional planning and regional
<br />handing -out of funds. It is governed by a board of directors and the
<br />State law requires that they be primarily from the elected officials of
<br />the member belonging to Ark -Tex COG. It serves nine county in Texas and
<br />one in Arkansas, and from this group, Charles Fulbright, Alan Boyd, and
<br />myself have been elected by the Council to serve with this group, the
<br />City Manager is an ex- officio member, but he does not have a vote.
<br />Councilman Neeley said the purpose of this board is to plan the far
<br />reaching developing things, organize cooperative projects, provide
<br />technical assistance, administer federal and state programs, coordinate
<br />federal, state and local projects, plan for the development of the
<br />region, and control the money and make sure it is spent properly.
<br />Ms. Peggy Malone, 361 N. Collegiate, representing the WYCA, appeared
<br />before the Council requesting relocation of the Paris Art Fair to the
<br />downtown area. Ms. Malone said after last years Art Fair, a steering
<br />committee was named, and one of their goals was to send out a survey to
<br />gain input into the Paris tradition - the Paris Art Fair, and upon
<br />receiving that information, there is a strong desire to look at
<br />returning the Paris Art Fair to its home place which was Bywaters Park
<br />and also to return it to the downtown area. At that time, they started
<br />talking with community members., and also the Downtown Merchants
<br />Association, they contacted Mr. John Carter who is very knowledgeable
<br />in art fair layouts, he attends shows throughout the United States, and
<br />they would like to submit a proposal for a plan that could bring the
<br />Paris Art Fair to the downtown area using the vicinity of the square,
<br />focusing on entertainment, professional arts, and also giving the
<br />community a chance to have a part in revitalization of the Paris Art
<br />