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Name Page count Template name
00-Agenda[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
05-Council Minutes from the meeting of 10-26-09 and 11-2-09[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
06-P&Z minutes from 10-05-09, HPC minutes from 10-14-09[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
07-Drainage ditch maintenance report[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
08-Insurance consultant's report[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
09-Move to approve changing zoning[Icon] 41 CITY CLERK
10-Deliberate on Preliminary Plat[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
11-Deliberate on Ordinance granting DBA Yellow Cab Co. an extension[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
12-Deliberate on ordinance granting DBA City Cab Co. an extension[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
13-Deliberate on an ordinance granting DBA Lone Star Cab Co. an extension[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
14-Deliberate and act on ordinance extending the moratorium on the issuance of permits under the City Code of Ordinances[Icon] 6 CITY CLERK
15-Deliberate and possibly act on ordinance adopting an amended Drought Contingency Plan[Icon] 44 CITY CLERK
16-Deliberate and act on a resolution amending the Water Convservation Plan[Icon] 30 CITY CLERK
17-Deliberate on a resolution in support of extending the Trail de Paris from the east side limits of Reno through Blosson, Texas[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
18-Deliberate and act on a resolution approving an application for funding through TXDOT for Safe Routes to Schools Infrastructure Grant Program18[Icon] 12 CITY CLERK
19-Deliberate and possibly act on certificates of obligation and refunding bond issues[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
20-Receive and deliberate on status of Capital Improvement progress[Icon] 5 CITY CLERK
21-Deliberate on presentation by Pacer Energy Marketing, LLC, on a TCEQ Air Quality Permit Application[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
22-Deliberate and act on the contract with Bureau Veritas and employment of Building Official and inspector[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
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19 Entries
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