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1985-052-RES WHEREAS, the terms of office of Mrs. Marvin Gibbs, Dr. Don Black, and Robert Pierson as members of[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-053-RES WHEREAS, the terms of office of Kyle Perry, Jacob Hildreth and Charles Christian as members of the[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-054-RES WHEREAS, the term of office of Charles D. Thompson as member of the Traffic Commission of the City of[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-055-RES WHEREAS, the City of Paris, has need for professional services and HBW Associates, Incorporated, P. O.[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-056-RES WHEREAS, the City of Paris has approved and undertaken an extensive Public Works Capital[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-057-RES WHEREAS, the City of Paris, has need for professional services and Black & Veatch Engineers-Architects,[Icon] 25 CITY CLERK
1985-058-RES WHEREAS, the Texas Department of Community Affairs is administering assistance for the purpose of[Icon] 23 CITY CLERK
1985-059-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris, did at its special meeting on August 27, 1984, approve[Icon] 16 CITY CLERK
1985-060-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris did in Resolution No. 83-050 provide for the establishing[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-061-RES WHEREAS, there exists a vacancy on the membership of the Visitors and Convention Council of the[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-062-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris, did at its regular meeting on July 8, 1985 approve the[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
1985-063-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris has been requested to provide the emergency ambulance[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
1985-064-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of continues to be aware of the needs of for health and related services; and,[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
1985-065-RES WHEREAS, on May 29, 1985, President Reagan submitted his tax proposal to Congress; and,[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
1985-066-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris deems it to be in the best interest of the citizens of Paris[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-067-RES WHEREAS, Texas Power & Light Company is desirous of obtaining an easement across the property of[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
1985-068-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris has undertaken a project of construction entitled Sewer[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
1985-069-RES WHEREAS, there exists a vacancy on the membership of the Library Advisory Board of the City of Paris[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-070-RES WHEREAS, Dr. Alice Cox has resigned as co-medical director of the Emergency Medical Service of the[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
1985-071-RES WHEREAS, the City of Paris did heretofore in Resolution No. 84-053 authorize contracting with Withers[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
1985-072-RES WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Paris in keeping with its commitment to comply with the Court[Icon] 13 CITY CLERK
1985-073-RES WHEREAS, it has been called to the attention of the City Council of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, that[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
1985-074-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris, did at its Special Meeting on August 27, 1984, authorize[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
1985-075-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris did at its regular council meeting on February 11, 1985,[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
1985-076-RES WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Paris did heretofore in Resolution No. 84-084 did accept Texas[Icon] 5 CITY CLERK
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