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2022-051 - Approving an Interlocal Agreement with North Lamar Independent School District related to a Collector Street in the District's New Elementary School Development and Declaring an Effective Date[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
2022-052 - Approving the submission of an Application for and extension of a Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority ‎(MVCPA)‎ Grant for continuation of the NE Texas Auto Theft Task Force[Icon] 13 CITY CLERK
2022-053 - Authorizing a Transfer of Surplus Police Department Canine, Cupa, to his officer-handler Jeff Padier[Icon] 5 CITY CLERK
2022-054 - Approving Connie Lawman as the Library Director[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
2022-055 - Amending the Guidelines and Criteria of the 5 in 5 Infill Development Program to allow properties immediately adjacent to the program area to be eligible to participate in the program and to revise application form[Icon] 9 CITY CLERK
2022-056 - Approving an Economic Development and Residential Tax Abatement Agreement - Distinguished Property & Investments[Icon] 31 CITY CLERK
2022-057 - Approving the Execution of Assignment of an Airport Ground Lease Agreement Between Collin Hadley, Hangar A-7 Cox Field to Justin & Sara Withers[Icon] 31 CITY CLERK
2022-058 - Approving a Negotiated Settlement Between The Atmos Cities Steering Committee ‎(“ACSC”)‎ & Atmos Energy Corp. Regarding 2022 Rate Review Mechanism Filing; and Adopting Tariffs that Reflect Rate Adjustments[Icon] 20 CITY CLERK
2022-059 - Approving and Agreement Regarding Freeze of Fire Pension Fund & Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Same[Icon] 39 CITY CLERK
2022-060 – Approving an Agreement with the Paris Firefighters’ Relief and Retirement Fund Pertaining to the General Obligation Pension Bonds, Taxable Series 2022[Icon] 9 CITY CLERK
2022-061 – Authorizing a Contract Between The City of Paris and The Lamar County Elections Administrator to Assist, Coordinate, Supervise the Special Charter Election for November 8, 2022[Icon] 14 CITY CLERK
2022-062 - Appointing Members to the Board of Adjustment[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2022-063 - Calling a Public Hearing for September 12, 2022 on the City Manager's Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2022-2023[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2022-064 - Calling a Public Hearing to Receive Public Comment on the City’s Proposed Property Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2022-2023[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2022-065 – Amending the Policies and Procedures for Boards and Commissions; Approving a New Policy to Provide a Deadline for Receiving Applications; Making Other Findings Related to the Subject[Icon] 6 CITY CLERK
2022-066 - Supporting Application for the Bullet-Resistant Shield Grant Program[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2022-067 - Finding that Oncor Electric Deliver Company's Application ot Change Rate Should be Denied[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
2022-068 - Authorizing Professional Services Agreement with GrantWorks for administrative services for the TDHCA HOME Fund grant.[Icon] 12 CITY CLERK
2022-069 - Approving Todd Mittge as the City Engineer[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
2022-070 - Withdrawsing Prior Approval for Sale of Twenty Previously Bid-Off[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2022-071 - Approving Addendum Number Three to the Sewer Service Contract with the City of Toco[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
2022-072 - Approving the CSJ 2301 Pair Airport Project[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
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