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Name Page count Template name
2018-001 Ordering the Regular Municipal Election for May 5, 2018[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
2018-002 Approving a Contract for Election Services[Icon] 16 CITY CLERK
2018-003 Approving Revision to an Offer by PEDC to American Spiralweld Pip to provide the offer of forty acres of land adn to include a 9.09 acre tract owned by the City subject to Certain Reservations[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
2018-004 Authorizing the City to be Eligible to Participate in Property Tax Abatements and Approving Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Tax Abatements[Icon] 12 CITY CLERK
2018-005 Joint Agreement between the City of Paris and PISD[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
2018-006 Approving Private Re-Sale of Multiple Tracts of Tax Foreclosed Properties[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-007 Requesting the Sheriff or a Constable to Sell Tax Foreclosed Properties and to Re-Sell Bid-Off Tax Properties[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
2018-008 Supporting the Implementaiton of Joining Forces, a Joint Land Use Study[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-009 Authorizing Execution of Deed of Abandonment by Ordinance 2018-007[Icon] 5 CITY CLERK
2018-010 Approving a Joint Election with NLISD[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-011 Approving a Proclamation Declaring the Month of April as Fair Housing Month[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-012 Denied Oncor's Application for Approval of a Distribution Cost Recovery Factor to Increase Distribution Rates[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-013 Canvass of the May 5, 2018 General Election[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
2018-014 Approving Submission of an Extension of an Automobile Burglary and Theft Prevention Grant[Icon] 17 CITY CLERK
2018-015 Appointing Members to the Zoning Board of Adjustment[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-016 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Release of Lien Documents[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
2018-017 Authorizing the Police Department to Pay a Hiring Incentive of $5,000 to Peace Officers Certified Upon Hire[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-018 Authorizing Application for the JAG Grant 2018[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
2018-019 Calling a Public Hearing on the Proposed Budget[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-020 Calling Two Public Hearings on the Proposed Proeprty Tax Rate[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
2018-021 Authorizing a Grant Application to Texas Parks & Wildlife for a Pump Track[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
2018-022 Approving a Netogiated Settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering committee and Atmos Energy Corp. Regardint he Company's 2018 Rate Review[Icon] 31 CITY CLERK
2018-023 Designating Official Newspaper[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2018-024 Master Economic Development Agreement between the City, PEDC and American Spiralweld Pipe[Icon] 99 CITY CLERK
2018-025 Tax Abatement Agreement with SpiralWeld[Icon] 45 CITY CLERK
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