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Name Page count Template name
2008-001-RES-Approving a legal services agreement with Jim Mathews of Mathews and Freeland, LLP[Icon] 5 CITY CLERK
2008-002-RES-Approving and Authorizing the execution of an affidavit of fulfilment of fee simple determinable condition regarding sale of city of Paris property being a portion of Lot 5[Icon] 3 CITY CLERK
2008-003-RES-Appointing Dr. Mary Gail Miesch Board of Health[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
2008-004-RES-Appointing Clifton Fendley as a member to the Main Street Advisory Board[Icon] 1 CITY CLERK
2008-005-RES Affirming that the City of Paris has complied with the requirements of the public funds investments act; amending the City's investment policy[Icon] 48 CITY CLERK
2008-006-RES Ordering the regular municipal election for the City of Paris[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
2008-007-RES Approving and supporting the position of coordinator of community health services at the Paris/Lamar county department of Health[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
2008-008-RES Approving and authorizing an addendum number. One to the lease between Air Direct and the City of Paris for property at Cox Field Airport[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
2008-009-RES Approving an application for funding through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs for a 2008 Homebuyer assistance program grant[Icon] 17 CITY CLERK
2008-010-RES-Approving the Bids and Awarding the contracts for furnishing the labor, materials, and equipment, and for performing all work required for grounds maintenance ‎(mowing)‎ on City of Paris Parks and Facilities to the lowest[Icon] 46 CITY CLERK
2008-011-RES- Accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of Hot Mix Cold laid asphalt, type "A"[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
2008-012-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of hot mix cold laid asphalt, type "b"[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
2008-013-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of hot mix cold laid asphalt, type "D"[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
2008-014-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of aggregate cover stone ‎(type B, Grade 4, Uncoated)‎[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
2008-015-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of aggregate cover stone ‎(type B, Grade 5, uncoated)‎[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
2008-016-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of aggregate cover stone ‎(type B, grade 5, coated)‎[Icon] 7 CITY CLERK
2008-017-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of flexible base material ‎(red rock)‎[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
2008-018-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of flexible base material ‎(White Rock)‎[Icon] 6 CITY CLERK
2008-019-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of portland cement concrete to Coston & Son ready mix in the amount of $83,00 per cubic yard for Class "A"[Icon] 12 CITY CLERK
2008-020-RES-accepting the bid and awarding the contract for the purchase of sand to Richard Drake[Icon] 12 CITY CLERK
2008-021-RES-approving submission of an application for $60,000.00 of rural business enterprise grant-revolving loan fund[Icon] 18 CITY CLERK
2008-022-RES-awarding a lease on property located on part of lots 6 and 7, city block 251A, being number 1227 N. main[Icon] 16 CITY CLERK
2008-023-RES-authorizing and approving the excution of a contract between the city of Paris and Steve Coker to manage, instruct and coordinat teh baseball and softball programs for the city of Paris[Icon] 6 CITY CLERK
2008-024-RES-Accepting the resignation of Dr. Gleb Bourianoff as Medical Director of the EMS of the City of Paris[Icon] 9 CITY CLERK
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