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00-Agenda[Icon] 2 CITY CLERK
05-Council Minutes from the meeting of September 13, 2010[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
06-Minutes from various meetings[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
07-Deliberate on August monthlyu financial report[Icon] 15 CITY CLERK
08-Deliberate on the ditch drainage report[Icon] 10 CITY CLERK
09-Deliberate and possiblyact on an Ordinance approving petition for zoning change from ag to comm[Icon] 13 CITY CLERK
10-Deliberate and possibly act on Ordinance approving petition for zoning change from 1 family dwelling to one family dwelling with mobile home[Icon] 11 CITY CLERK
11-deliberate and poss act on ordinance approving pet for a change in zoning planned dev dist retail shopping to general retail dist 2995 Lamar[Icon] 14 CITY CLERK
12-Deliberate and act on a resolution approving an app for funding for sidewalk improvement through Texad Dept of Ag Texas Capital Fund Main Street Prog.[Icon] 25 CITY CLERK
13-Deliberate and act on an Ordinance est zones exluding sex offenders from residing near premises where children gather[Icon] 11 CITY CLERK
14-Deliberate and possibly act on ordinance approving the nnegotiated gas rates between the City of Paris and Atmos Energy Mid-Tex Division[Icon] 34 CITY CLERK
15-Deliberate and possibly act on an Ordinance autorizing the Director of Finance to transfer funds from encumbered appropriation balances to other account[Icon] 5 CITY CLERK
16-Deliberate and act on Resolution approving a professional services contract with Hayter Engineering for the design, plans, and specifications for the Safe Routes to School Project.[Icon] 14 CITY CLERK
17-Deliberate and act on a Resolution approving a change order, final payment and closing the contract with Stephens Concrete for the Downtown Sidewalk Replacement Project[Icon] 4 CITY CLERK
18-Deliberate and act on proposed sanitation RFP and options[Icon] 35 CITY CLERK
19-Deliberate and act on the appointment of student members to various boards, commissions, and committees[Icon] 8 CITY CLERK
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